Form1 Icon Viewer wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwp wxxxxxxxwwp xxxxxxxxxwp xxxxxxxxxwp wxxxxxxxxwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwww Form1, Picture1 Label1 System File1 System System Command1 Copy Name System Command3 System Drive1 System AboutMenu About HelpMenu File1_Click Dir1_Change Path" Drive1 Drive File1 Drive1_Change Picture1_Click File1_PathChange Picture1 Picture ListIndex FileNamed PictureName4 Command1_Click Command3_Click Form_Click Label1_Click Label1 Caption Pattern @ Form_Load AboutMenu_Click MessageBox MsBox ReturnVal HelpMenu_Click IconName TestDrive subIf TryIt ClipBoard File1_Click Dir1_Change *.ICO" *.ico" \*.ico Drive1_Change No Disk or Unformatted Disk in Drive." Form_Load *.ico" *.ico" \*.ico AboutMenu_Click An Icon Viewing Utility written in Visual Basic" Donated to the Public Domain Dave Evers, Quincy, IL Enjoy!!! About IconView HelpMenu_Click Select Icon to be viewed using Drive, Directory, and File controls." To save Icon path and filename to Clipboard, press [Copy Name] button. IconView Help" Command1_Click The FileName below has been copied to the ClipBoard: " ClipBoard Save Command3_Click