INTRO I started this project because I needed some sort of hypertext application and didn't want to spend $50 on the Help compiler and have all my files show up as help files. While not as powerful as that product, it looks to be easier to use. It's in a rough state now, but the general methods should be clear. Also, this way you can refine it into the exact type of system you need. Everything is public domain, but there are no guarantees it'll work and not eat your data for breakfast. FILE STRUCTURE The first line of a .HYP file is the name of the "database." The topics then follow. Each topic's first line is the title. Then come up to four "keywords." (If you need to change this, or any other limit, look in the global module.) At present keywords must be letters and numbers only, all caps, with no punctuation or spaces except for the underscore. The main body text is set off by lines containing only one double quote("). Between these two lines, you can place any text you like, including blank lines. Here's where you "embed" keywords (just putting them there will do fine, the program will know them when it sees them). Since all punctuation gets removed, you can use it if it's needed, as long as you don't include it in the actual keyword (i.e. keyword: FREDS_HEAD, embedded as: "also known as FRED'S_HEAD by Australians."). Test.Hyp is a small sample file that should make everything clear. Note such things as YAMATO and YAMATO_CLASS both referencing the same card and the fact that double-clicking "Shinano" doesn't select its own card since it's not all caps. THE PROGRAM The Index file controls are simply a way of getting at the .HYP file. The fun starts once you've loaded it. The list is set to sort the items; if you enter them in some sort of sequence in the .HYP file, you can turn sorting off to maintain your structure. Once you select a topic, the topic form comes up. Double-clicking on a keyword takes you to the appropriate topic. The double-click itself is a kludge; VB interprets a double-click in a text box as a word selection. There's a timer on the form that checks for selections several times a second. It makes sure the word is upper case and strips any punctuation that may have also been selected (now you see why punctuation and spaces aren't allowed in keywords [they only have to be upper case in order to stand out, since you can't have text attributes for individual words in a text box]). You can also return to the index from a topic or back up to a previous topic. The backup methodology is kinda crufty too, but gets the job done. CONCLUSION All in all, everything works "out of the box" if you don't want to mess with it, but could stand some refinement. This makes it easy to incorporate into your own programs, since you won't need to undo a complicated interface. Wendell Martin 73737,1237