Form1 HotKey Demo Form1 FormIcon FormIcon Form_Click CreateHK VKCode Mask] hWndL MyCode KillHK( hHotKey @ Form_Load Form_KeyDown KeyCode Shift Form1 HotKey Form_Unload Cancel List1 Addline HotKey1 HotKey2 ShiftF9g Shift_F9 Ctrl_T Ctrl_D ShiftMask CtrlMask AltMask SCA_F102 VK_F7 UserVK VK_F9 Shift_F FormIcon Picture Key_F7 KEY_F8Q Key_F9 Key_F10 WindowState hotkey.dll hotkey.dll These are from CONSTANT.TXTT These you just make up!F These are from page 277 of the Programmer's Guideo These will be the returned "hot key handles" Form_Load This is where I create my hotkeys. The first paramter is the actual KeyCode I want to trapp These can be found in CONSTANT.TXT The Second paramter is the Shift mask, modeled after the one used in the low level keyboard events. See page 277 of the Programmer's Guide The third parameter is our window's handle (hWnd property) Finally, the fourth parameter is the number we wantt HOTKEY.DLL to send us when out hotkey is recognizedt The return paramter is the "handle" of the hot key The only purpose of this number is to pass to KillHK F7 to Exit Shift-F9 to Toggle the Icon" Ctrl-T to Insert the Current Time" Ctrl=D to Insert the Current Date" Shift-Ctrl-Alt-F10 for a Surprise! Hit... The point is to have focus elsewhere so we shell out to NotePad NOTEPAD.EXE" Form_KeyDown This is our "hot key" handlerr It is rare that this event will ever be triggeredd otherwise because the form has to have focus which practically never happens. However, whether it does or not, makes no difference to HOTKEY.DLLL User wants to exit Toggle the iconx Put the time in the app with focus Put the date in the app with focus Pop up a silly message That was a lot of work for nothing, huh? Whew!" Form_Unload If we are well behaved, we need to call KillHK for every hotkey we created so that they can bee used by other programs and searching will be faster