Form1 Form1 Form1 Label1 Label2 Command1 Sideways Print Test: GO Command2 Form_Click hFont] LOGFONT lfHeighti lfWidth lfEscapement lfOrientation lfWeight FW_NORMAL lfItalic outprecision clipprecision? quality default lfPitchAndFamily lfFaceName CreateFontIndirect OldhFont SelectObject Form1 DeleteObject hFond TextOut SomeTextV nChars CurrentX CurrentY nValue GetDeviceCapsy Picture1 BitBlt4 StretchBlt SRCCOPY= hOldFont Printer Result Command1_Click Label1 TC_CR_90 TC_CR_ANY TEXTCAPS Caption Label2 Command2_Click FW_ROMAN FW_SWISS1 FF_MODERN oldfont szFaceName GetTextFace retval FF_ROMANI FF_SWISS lfQualityc lfCharSet OEM_CHARSET VARIABLE_PITCH PROOF_QUALITY Command1_Click -- get Text capabilites for rotating characters Funny Note: There's a POLYGONALCAPS capability which determines whether the device cann do interiors. I wonder if I can hire it to redecorate my place? 8-)r TEXTCAPS No Character Rotation is Available 90 Degree Character Rotation Available Any Degree Character Rotation Available" -- Note: at this point if it can't do CharRot's, then we should stop, but we'll blindlyy forge ahead to see what happens.d -- 24 point size -- let Windows figure out the appropriate width based on the heightl -- rotate 270 degrees (bottom to top) -- normal character orientation (straight up) -- this is important!e Note: italic, underline, strikeout, charset, outprecision, clipprecision, and quality are 0 (default) Modern -- Windows' "Modern" fontr -- get the handle to the font we specify -- now let's select it to our current Printer hDC -- let's test it out!t This is a test of sideways text 1234567890." Print Test 1234567890"u -- don't forget to delete the object Command2_Click