FileBox Open File Form1* Label2 File &Name: Text1 Label3 &Files: Label1 Cancel Cancel File1 Label4 &Directories: Drive1 List1 LastChange CurDirectory$ ASCII_ENTER4 WM_USER LB_RESETCONTENT SendMessageT wMsg< wParam lParam2 GetFocus PutFocus Drive1_ChangeL Dir1G patha drive1 drive List1_Update Dir1_change file1 Label1v Captions Command2_Click Command1_Click Form_LoadJ refreshfilesB text1 selstart! sellength+ Text1_LostFocus Patternj Text1_KeyPress KeyAscii^ ClearListBox' list1 DirPos listcount Listq DiskStart FindLast needle haystack List1_DblClicki Listindex Visible hWndOldk List1_KeyPress FBox_Click DBox_Click NBox_Click Command3_Click- CommandN_GotFocusB CommandF_GotFocus# CommandD_GotFocusd Filebox! heightn width File_Exists' File_specU No_Path User_Return Return_Code MSG_BOX FileExists FALSE Dir_Code DirCodex ReturnCode Path_ExistsE FileSpec CurrentSpec SpecO DIR_CHANGED FILENAME_CHANGED DRIVE_CHANGED File1_Clickw update_filespecu A_Form SelPatht CurPath slash5 Lbl_CurrentDirectory Dir_DirectoryList Txt_FileName File_FileListZ Validate_FileSpeci AForm MustExistm ErrorInSpec* filename Exit_The_FunctionM FILE_NOT_FOUND Validate_And_Change_DrivesV DummyH Drv_DriveListr OpenFile Text1_Change] CurSpec CurrDir File1_DblClick File1_KeyPress File1_PathChange List1_Click4 FILE_CHANGED TEXT_CHANGED BadFileNamea ValidFileName GoodName GoodFile GoodFileName LastChanged# OK_ClickA Cancel_Click. change ThenDir1 enabled TEXT_CHANGEDIfz CaseIfv NewSpec_ ValidName OK_Error? Drive_Error TEXT1_CHANGED Form_MouseMove Button Shift Text2b mode_string mode_sss mode_ddd mode_code CHANGED Form_MouseDownp Text1_KeyDown keycode Drive_Spec_Errorb Fatal_Error dir_change_errorZ dir_changed_error Text2_Change retry list1_error List1_KeyDown LastPattern debig startpos File_specified WorkFile Valid_FileSpec dumby3 Text1_GotFocus selec* selen selenth selength Valid wildcard resumR IDRETRY MB_ICONQUESTION MB_RETRYCANCEL Is_Valid MB_CANCEL MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_OK Sellenth CountG DriveStart Current directory selected seltext Quit_Function Thomas Kiehl Indian RocksB Filebox/Filebox2 by # Thomas Kiehl # P.O. Box 693 Indian Rocks Beach, FL 34635 " CIS: 73215,427 This File Open Dialog Box Form and associated modules and forms are hereby releasedd to the public domain to be used as seen fit by those who may use it, provided that such user understands that the author expresses no warranty, promise or claim of liability for its use, consequental use and/or damages to hardware, software or data. FILEBOX declarations and constantsd SetFocus Drive1_Change chances of an error getting here are slim Dir1_change Command1_Click Form_Load List1_Update List1_DblClick the parent directory this is a drive spec error if door is opene error has been trapped out error if door is open (we did check it)p sub directory] we are not at root dir oh yes we are do the event uh oh! ERROR: " FILE OPEN" ClearListBox update_filespec slash is null at this point a subdirectory the current directory the parent directory Text1_Change File1_Click zero based filename indexe File1_DblClick File1_KeyPress List1_Click Change to the parent directory This is a drive spec This is a subdirectory of the current directory OK_Click we shouldn't be here in the first place try and open filespecl left over from development ERROR: " FILE OPEN" Cancel_Click Text1_KeyDown Valid_FileSpec gets here if good path only) ERROR: " FILE OPEN" no other error but is was NOT a wildcard