About About FILEBOX Form1- Command1 I'm Done Picture1 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx wwwwwwww xxxwwwwwxxxxx xxxxp xxxxx ggggggg wwwwwwww ggggggggg wwwwwwwwwwwww Form_Click captionU conglomeration ideas original stolen others Thomas Kiehl Indian Rocks^ Beach Form_Load Command1_Click about unload_about| what_Click who_Click Form_Load Thomas Kiehl P.O. Box 693 Indian Rocks Beach, FL 34635 Compuserve ID: 73215,427 This is a FILE OPEN dialog box that behaves much like the open project dialog box in Visual BASIC." It is a conglomeration of ideas, some mine, some others'," some good, some bad. Most of all, IT WORKS!!!!!!!!! Just click on OPEN from the FILE pulldown menu." Command1_Click