Register Please Register Form1* Picture1 Label3 " FileBoy's Label1 Runway 1.2c Tms Rmn Label5 (son of FileBoy's Runner) Label4 t A Multi-Option, User-Configurable Run and Load Utility for Windows. Now with WIN.INI Extensions support and editor! Label2 .More Homegrown Software from Marshal Bostwick. Label6 Compuserve ID: 76646,2552 Label8 This program is Shareware! Label7 The author grants you license to try it out for a period of 30 days. At the end of this period you must register, or else destroy all copies in your possession. See the FBRUNWAY.WRI file for details. Label10 )(Registration gets rid of this reminder!) Label9 "I thank you. My family thanks you. BtnAgree &No Thanks BtnExit &I Agree Form_Load BtnExit Default Register Screen Width Height BtnAgree_Click FBRunway BtnExit_Click Form_Paint FrameFrm FrameCtrl Picture1 BtnAgree Form_Load BtnAgree_Click BtnExit_Click Form_Paint