FBRunway FileBoy's Runway 1.2c wwwwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwww wwwwp """""" wwwwwwp """""""" """""""""" """"" 333338 333330 333333333333330 UUTU$ Form1* BtnAdd BtnDel Remove BtnSave BtnRun BtnClose Close RunLine Label1 Run App: Label2 Auto-Save: Label3 On Use: MnuFile &File Re&move MSave &Save Associate MClose &Close MnuOption &Options MnuRunApp &Run App As... &1 Normal &2 Minimized &3 Maximized &4 Normal w/o Focus &5 Minimized w/o Focus MnuOnUse Action On Use... &Close on Use &Minimize &Remain MAuto &Auto-Save on Close MnuHelp &Help &Index MHlp1 &Help On Help MInfo &About ListChg WinExec lpCmdLine nCmdShow BringWindowToTopm GetModuleHandle lpProgramName GetModuleUsageY hProgram GetPrivateProfileInt lpApplicationName7 lpKeyName nDefault lpFileName GetPrivateProfileString lpDefault lpReturnedString nSizec WritePrivateProfileString lpString lplFileName GetClassWordr nIndexm GCW_HMODULEt GetModuleFileName= hModule| WinHelpC lpHelpFileM wCommand dwDataV HQUITx HINDEX HHELP[ Form_Loadi FALSE title FBRunWay7 Register* TheApp Screen Width Height LPosC GetINIIntt TPosb MAuto Checked Label2 Caption TRUEK MOpt\ Label1 Label3M TheNamej GetINIStr{ RunLinec Form_Resize WindowState. Form_Paint FrameBarFrm% BtnAdd FrameCtrl FrameLeftStat' FrameMidStat FrameRightStat RunLine_KeyPress KeyAscii RunnerF PutINI KeyVal KeyDef SendRunCfg AName Stat1 Stat2) Stat3j OldNum NewNum ListCount Stat4 Stat5? BtnSave_ClickQ BtnClose_Clickt Closer Form_UnloadT Cancel BtnAdd_Click AddIt BtnDel_Click DelIt BtnRun_Click AboutIt RWAssoc MOpt_ClickM Index MUse_Click MSave_Click MRun_Click Pos1c GetWinStr GetOut Rline MAdd_Click MClose_Click ListIndex MDel_Click MInfo_Click3 MAuto_Click$ MHlp_Click GetHelp HType FLength MHlp1_Click MAss_Click Kernelz Kernel Kernel Kernel Kernel Kernel Kernel Form_Load fbrunway.exe Runway is already running! FileBoy's Runway v. 1.2c Runway AutoSave Auto-Save: Off Auto-Save: On" RunApp Run App: " Normal with Focus" Minimized with Focus Maximized" Normal without Focus Minimized without Focus" ActOnUse On Use: Close" Minimize Remain ProgCount" Program" Form_Resize FileBoy's Runway 1.2c" Runway 1.2c" Form_Paint RunLine_KeyPress PutINI FILEBOY.INI" GetINIInt FILEBOY.INI" SendRunCfg Unable to save the settings for" Write ERROR! Runway Screen Position" AutoSave Auto-Save On Close RunApp Run On Start-Up" ActOnUse Action On Use" ProgCount" Program" ProgCount" ProgCount" Program" Please make sure that the" FILEBOY.INI file is in your Windows directory." BtnSave_Click BtnClose_Click Form_Unload BtnAdd_Click BtnDel_Click BtnRun_Click GetINIStr fileboy.ini" Closer Your Application List has changed. Do you wish to save the changes? Save Configuration?" MOpt_Click Run App: " Normal with Focus" Minimized with Focus Maximized" Normal without Focus Minimized without Focus" MUse_Click On Use: Close" Minimize Remain MSave_Click MRun_Click Runner Runway!" Pilot Error! You must first enter/place an" application or file on the Runline." extensions No programs are associated with this file. The application" is already running! Do you" want to try to run another instance of the program? (Not all programs allow this.) Error! Unable to run/load the application." Make sure the [path]\filename was" entered correctly and try again. AddIt Add Item Error No application entered!" Sorry! The applications list is already at" the maximum number allowed (50). You will have to delete one before another can be added." MAdd_Click MClose_Click DelIt No applications to remove! Remove Item Error" The application on the command line has not been added to the list." Application Delete Error MDel_Click MInfo_Click MAuto_Click Auto-Save: On" Auto-Save: Off MHlp_Click GetHelp fbrunway.hlp MHlp1_Click MAss_Click