Fbifile FBI File Times New Roman Form1% BTN_View View Profile MNU_File &File MNU_New &New Profile MNU_Exit E&xit MNU_About &About MNU_New_Click' Form_Click MNU_About_Click about1 Profile, about2 about3? about4X instructions Form_Loadi modalN command1E Form_GotFocus^ instruct MNU_Save_Click0 DataInput message17 message2 NameInputz StreetInputp CityInput StateInput Nickname1Input Nickname2Input WorkInput BossnameInput WorkerInput@ CoWorkerInput Friend1Input Friend2Input Friend3Input DadnameInput[ MomnameInput ColorInputD FoodInputx ActorInput SingerInput TVshowInput President1Input President2Input9 President3Input* FruitInput BodypartInput Hobby1Input Hobby2Input Hobby3Input username( street cityI stateN nickanme1 nickname1q nickname2 Workt fbifile background( Form_DragOver Source MNU_Exit_Click employmentb wave1 enabledX enable sizeh Timer1_TimerA timer1 VScroll1_ChangeV sndplaysound displayarea_Clickq command1_click counter printnicknames printaliases& printhangout printgangmembers printmafiacontactsL printpersonalprofile1 printpersonalprofile2 printpersonalprofile3 printpersonalprofile40 printpersonalprofile5 printpersonalprofile6 printclosefbifile personalprofile1 personalprofile2 personalprofile38 personalprofile4 personalprofile5# personalprofile6 closefbifileB printprofile window~ windowstate Visible Command1_KeyDown KeyCode Shift HideCaret hWndn ShowCaret GetFocus MSInput text1 Textc Text1_Change Text1_GotFocusy WShWnd Text1_LostFocus Text1_KeyPress KeyASCII Randnum` Scollbars BTN_View BTN_View_Click Height scrollbars casenum page1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 page7k page8 page9 page10 page11 page12 undesirable backgroundpage aliaspage hangountpage gangmemberpage mafiacontactpage wsdataq about5 about profiledata BackGroundDataw AliasData HangoutDatai GangData mafiadata Profile1Data Profile2Data( Profile3Data8 Profile4DataH Profile5Data Profile6Data CloseFileData printUCase Caption nickname friends Friend1 Friend2D Friend3: Father' Mother0 Bossname Coworker PersProfData^ preferences food{ fruit colorU actor singerg tvshow pres1 pres2 pres3 hobby2 hobby1 hobby3 click CurrentX CurrentY clrBoxes AliasData aliases: Three-Finger the Knife BackGroundData fbi official dossier undesirable file Subject: Last seen at: More... BTN_View_Click CloseFileData FBI File Closed Close File Form_Load GangData gang members: the Dip Killer Brass Knuckles the Fence Gun Moll HangoutData hangout: mafiadata mafia contacts: capo MNU_About_Click This plays the WAV:d intro.wav The flags work as follows: 0 - wait until sound finishes before returning 1 - return immediately - sound can be stopped with i% =sndplaysound(0&, 0) 2 - play no default if it can't find the WAV 4 - play sound over and over, must be combined with 1 by calling the flag i% =sndplaysound(snd_async or snd_loop, 0)d it can also be stopped with (0%,0)l 5 - returns false immediately if sound is already playing. FBI Profile Written by Mike Davis FREEWARE Do with as you will America Online: MikeD48 FreeWare Notice MNU_Exit_Click MNU_New_Click Clear the screen display the background form and; give it the focusi PersProfData Personal Profile on: printprofile Profile1Data is considered to be extremely dangerous. Approach with Caution... has been known to hide lethal weapons in Profile2Data had been the muscle behind 's bookie and loan sharking operation in during the late 70's. Profile3Data As a dilligent enforcement agent in organized crime, was known to cut off a client's for non-payment of a loan. was also suspected of force feeding someone because he was wearing pants. Profile4Data Currently, is a member of 's crime family in east is suspected of attempted hits and mayhem on and is also a suspect in threatening the cast of with bodily harm. Profile5Data managed to escape prosecution all these years because of the brilliant law firm of and retained by don national crime family. Profile6Data indictments: 1 count of without a permit 2 counts of felonious 3 counts of 3rd degree convictions: