Form4 File Browser Form4 Frame1 Drive1 File1 Label1 Double-click the filename (right hand box) that you want to be used when your program is run. Remember, it must be the file that Window's Program Manager Uses and it must end in PIF, EXE, COM, or BAT. Command2 Cancel Drive1_Change drive1 drive Dir1_Changeo file1 listindexg filename dirlist dirname driveindex index Command2_Click form4 form1 commandlinename: File1_Click File1_DblClick RUNFILENAME pathname browsebutton petname Form_Click filenamelabel caption Drive1_Change Dir1_Change Command2_Click user has chosen to cancel choice of filename clear global unload file from memoryo set focus to form1 File1_DblClick user selects the filename that they want to use unload from memory focust to form1