Form1 Favorite Program Launcher Courier Form1 Picture1 PetName PetnameLabel Pet Name List1 BrowseButton Pick A File Filenamelabel CommandlineName CommandlineLabel Command Line Check1 Check1 Checklabel Minimize on Launch OKButton CancelButton Cancel Y DosButton Shell to DOS AddMenu ChangeMenu &Change DeleteMenu &Delete UndeleteMenu &Undelete HelpMenu &Help HelpKey V AboutMenu &About combo1_changeq RunCtl_Click AddCtl_Click Combo16 visible AddMenu_Click" makevisible Petname CommandlineLabel_Click PetnameLabel TRUE# ProgramnameLabel PathnameLabel Make_Boxes_VisibleI CommandlineLabel! PetnameText ProgramnameText CommandlineText. PathnameText PathName_Change Commandlinename Petnamename Programnamename Pathnamename Pathname| Programname commandline) PennameName_Change PetName_Change Form_ClickQ ChangeMenu_Click DeleteMenu_Click RunMenu_Click TRUEFALSE FALSE make_programs_visible form_ scalewidth form1 autodraw Form_Resize autoredraw width? DATAIN INKEY ADDSWITCH newname textk yStop PetName_LostFocus value form_gotfocus FIRSTSWITCH makefile closefile{ closefile2q makefile2 NoIniFile1 ReadINIFile EndofIniFile INIDATAM PETNAMEARRAY= PROGRAMNAMEARRAY NoIniFile2 COMMANDLINEARRAY: OKButton CancelButton OKButton_Click CancelButton_Click NEWWIDTH ProgramName_Change PIFbutton PifLabel BATButton BATLabel List1. Change WORKD add_to_list DELETESWITCHK MAINTSWITCHI List1_Click Gotfocusy List1_DblClick/ index listindex PetnameLabel_Click Form1_GotFocus @ form_load Form_MouseUp Button Shifto main\ form_lostfocus sub_main petname_SetFocus. petname_gotfocus petname_textL PIFButton_Click listcount listvalueF endofinifile2 elist1 DATAWORK AboutMenu_Click readmenuS CommandlineName_Change @ Writefile8 writeclose writeclose2 killerror killerror2 TRIMEDSTRING SENTVALUEu TRIMEDVALUE CommandlineName_LostFocusX TRIMSENTg TRIMMEDSENT TRIMEDSENT TRIMEDNAME WORKITEM RUNJOB shellitem caption DELETEDITEMS deleteditem deleteditemsi noitem noitem2 UndeleteMenu_Click response% windowstateu sponseL Checklabel_Clickc Check1_Click check1 savecaption helpkey_click HelpMenu_Click FORM2) helpbutton Form3 aboutbutton5 COMMAND1 Upperp BATLabel_Click Picture1_Click ProgramName_LostFocus midlist1 filenotfound filenotfound2 mandlinenamev minimized BatButton_Click PIFLabel_Clickb shellmsg Trimx TRIMMED GLOBALS BrowseButton_Click form4 browsebutton RUNFILENAME Filenamelabel filenametable Filenamelabel_Click Clear_the_fields DosButton_Click shellerror shellerror2 HAVESHELLED> GLOBALS TO FORM tells if "A"dd or "C"hange used in subrte to swap visibility( used at load time for initialization work areao array saves prior deletesi for UNDELETE menu item AddCtl_Click make right side of form visibled Make_Boxes_Visible user passes value in TRUEFALSE variable to tell whether to make form's right side visible or to shrink. TRUE = make right side visible. FALSE = shrink screen to left. check to see that user has not minimized form wide withd narrow width make labels, boxes and visible or invisible AddMenu_Click invoked when "Add" is clicked sub to make right side of form visiblek move cursor to PETNAME field ChangeMenu_Click invoked when user selects CHANGE from menui nothing in list1 array to change tell them what to do Click an item in the list first. Message" No items in list." Message" make form wide tell the world we are doing a change transaction move data from item in List1 array to text boxes move cursor to PETNAME field DeleteMenu_Click user selected DELETE from menu. Delete the item from thee List1 array and rewrite the FAVORITE.INI file. make form narrow clear text boxes check for no items in list There are no items in list." Message" Click an item in the list. Message" leave this sub if nothing in List1 array button matrix for Msgbox Delete " Warning" user chose CANCEL button item in List1 array to deleter this loop adds to array of deleted items this session for possible undeletesl add to deleted items array remove from list1 arraye nothing in list delete any existing FAVORITE.INI filed favorite.ini go to routine to write the file outd ReadINIFile read the FAVORITE.INI file and build list1 favorite.ini test to see if null file or not is null file favorite.ini delete the fileo leave, no input force error when end of file Read all possible data Read one line of filea put file record in list1 got here at end of filec CancelButton_Click user CANCELS a change or ADD transactionn clear any entered data sub to shrink form OKButton_Click user chooses "OK" after ADD or CHANGE transaction routine to add item to List1 array and FAVORITE.INI file add_to_list adds and changes to list of programs and FAVORITE.INI file are processed here came here by "C"hangeF find item in list1 array user didn't enter PETNAMEr Enter information in Pet Name or Cancel your change. Message" put cursor back at PETNAME user didn't enter PROGRAMNAMEA Enter program name information or Cancel the change. Message" put cursor back at PROGRAMNAME align the entered data so it can be placed in list1 and .INI file align COMMANDLINEo if change, remove old item from List1 not needed any further, clear add to list1 go to subrte to write FAVORITE.INI filem hide the right side boxes & buttons clear the box textsa form_load VB will begin here. Use FIRSTSWITCH as the program2 initialization trigger.e turn switch on so routine won't be used againi if INI file never createds (VB still needs GOTO's)a favorite.ini File exists go read INI file INI file doesn't exist Writefile sub to write the FAVORITE.INI file after successfull change or add transaction. favorite.ini force error at end of list1 arrayt find out how many items in list1 array loop thru arrayr move to output form-global write the record error trap List1_DblClick DBL-clicking an item in the list causes it to run through WINDOW'S PROGRAM MANAGERt must be at least 1 item in listr pointer to item in list1 see if "Minimize on Run" box is checked, if so minimize to icon prepare SHELL instruction parameters -- program | parameters save the caption & put temp one in in case parameters not ok& shell to program manager not found dialog button The program name or suffix you entered will not call your program from Window's Program Manager. Please " click CHANGE to review." UndeleteMenu_Click user can undelete as many items as have been deleted this session by clicking on UNDELETE. This subroutine removes them from the saved array and replaces them back into the List1 array check to see if anything saved There are no items to undelete." Message" pull the last deleted item from the arrayc and place back into list, deleting it from the saved array a add it back to List1 array goto sub to write the FAVORITE.INI file1 helpkey_click user chose HELP from menu load the help form into memory make it visiblet put cursor on "OK" button" HelpMenu_Click user chose HELP keyy AboutMenu_Click display the "About" menu (Form3) when menu item clicked load the form" make it visibleF change focus to forms "OK" buttoni PetName_LostFocus aligns text when user leaves text box CommandlineName_LostFocus edit the field when user leaves field List1_Click user single-clicked to hilight list1 item he wanted clear text boxes make form narrow BrowseButton_Click Clear_the_fields clear text box datai clear the current file nameo clear the chosen name clear the command line DosButton_Click" Couldn't execute COMMAND.COM. The probable problems are that COMMAND.COM is not in your path or your Window's TEMP disk is full.