========================== FADE TO BLACK - Fade.Mak ========================== This sample project demonstrates how to make the background of your form fade from blue to black. It was designed to replicate (as near as possible) the Setup forms used by Microsoft and most other major software publishers. The theory is simple - 1. Divide the form into 63 regions 2. Create a SolidBrush that starts out as solid blue, i.e. RGB value of 0, 0, 255 (Create brush with API call CreateSolidBrush) 3. Fill the first region of the form with the solid blue brush (with API call FillRect) 4. Destroy the first brush (with API call DeleteOBject) and create a second brush that has a little less blue (0, 0, 251) 5. Fill the second region of the form with the slightly less blue brush 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until form is filled. The last brush is pure black (0, 0, 0). Although it sounds like it would take a long time to fill 63 regions with different brushes, it actually works very fast. To add this to your own project, just add the file Fade.bas to your project and put the following calls in your Form_Paint and Form_Resize events: FadeForm Me NOTE: I tried to do the same thing using VB's Line method, but it insisted on drawing the outline of each box. This looked very ugly. SECOND NOTE: The enclosed files were saved as text files under VB2. Although they cannot be loaded directly into VB1, the primary file (Fade.bas) can be imported into a VB1 module or it can be viewed with Notepad or any other text editor. Enjoy! Brian Stine CS ID 73617,323