Data Based Advisor VB Error Handler =================================== January, 1994 Dear Friend: Here is the DBA VB ERROR HANDLER. On this disk (or in this ZIP file) you will find the following: ERRORS.FRM Errors form ERRORS.FRX Binary images for Errors.frm ERRORS.BAS Code module ERRORS.MAK Errors project file ERRORS.EXE Executable Errors demo NET14.ICO Icon for Errors.frm MB_ICONE.BMP Captured Exclamation bitmap MB_ICONI.BMP Captured Information bitmap MB_ICONS.BMP Captured Stop bitmap MB_ICONQ.BMP Captured Question bitmap This project assumes that you have Visual Basic 3.0. You do not need the Professional version to use the Error Handler (though practically all the errors handled in the code pertain to database methods that are only supported with the pro version). If you have any questions, I'd love to hear them. Contact me on CompuServe at 71507,1212. John Murdoch