Form1 Disk Spaces DLL Demo Form1 Command1 Drive1 Label6 Demo by John Castravet Label5 Drive: Label4 Label3 Free Space: Label2 Label1 Total Space: Form_Load DosGetDiskFree wDrive DiskSpace DiskFree Drive1_Change bBytesCluster dBytesCluster dTemp Drive1 Label2 Caption Total_ClustersK Avail_Clusters Bytes_Per_Sector Sectors_Per_Cluster Drive Label4 GetDiskSpaces Command1_Click Form1 Label4_Click Change Drive_Change Command1_Click Drive1_Change The Total and the Available disk spaces are shown in Label2 and Label4.a If interested you can also use the Bytes Per Sector, Sectors Per Cluster, the total Disk Clusters and the available Disk Clusters. Use the Panel control found in THREED.VBX with the Flood property sett to create a bar graph type indicator.. #,##0 KB #,##0 KB Disk Error Disk Error Form_Load