Form1 Database Informatter Form15G Panel3D1 SSPanel Drive1 Panel3D1 SSPanel Command3 &Help Command2 &Quit Command1 &Print Panel3D1 SSPanel Combo1 Panel3D1 SSPanel Outline1 Outline wwwwp Panel3D1 SSPanel File1 Combo1_Change Form_Load aTypes array Outline1_Click combo1& ItemData. NewIndex ListIndex^ file1H Pattern combo Dir1_Change directory? Pathh dir1path dir1? Drive1_Change Drive drive1 File1_Click Command1_Click Index unloadB form1* Combo1_Click File1_PathChange File1_PatternChange File1_DblClick database FieldW FillOutlineP TableDefs Count outline1 Name$ DB_SYSTEMOBJECT attribute tabledef table DB_READONLY nAttr Attributes6 Fields outline Indent ListCount Outline1_DblClick, Expand Command2_Click FieldType DB_BOOLEAN DB_BYTEe DB_INTEGER DB_LONG DB_CURRENCY DB_SINGLE DB_DOUBLE DB_DATE DB_TEXT DB_LONGBINARY DB_MEMO$ nType nSizep TypeW height command1 enable Enabled Indexes cound Command3_Click KEY_LF doesn RoundToit control oldFillOutline Combo1_Click Command2_Click Command3_Click DataInformatter Yup, this is a first attempt at a VB app. If you try it, the PRINT option doesn't work. This is a RoundToit control, that is, _i'll get around to it_ sometime. Also, the only selection from the file type that works is the access/vb selection. Again, this is another RoundToit control. If you find it useful, have a good scotch for me, if you don't find it useful, waddya want for nothing?? I know it's sloppy, but you try and break a world record while learning to walk. D Roussos, 75000,720 Dir1_Change Drive1_Change FieldType nFt is numeric field type nDB is numeric database type returns field typa as string undefined access/vb boolean integer currency single double binary Case 2 ' dbase File1_DblClick fill the outline with tables and fields File1_PathChange File1_PatternChange FillOutline open db clear outline add db title to outline go through list of tables get table name and attribs if isn't system db... then add db name to outline using -1 to place at indent 1 set location so following additions will be at right level Fields Indexes Form_Load *.mdb, Access\VB *.dbf, xBase *.*, all files Outline1_DblClick