Form1 Customer Information Form1 Label10 Account Number: AccountNumber Label1 Last Name: LastName Label2 First Name: FirstName Label3 MiddleInitial Label4 Address: Address Label5 City: Label6 State: State Label7 Label8 Telephone: Phone Customer DBENGINE Label9 Notes: Notes TopButton NextButton InsertButton Insert DeleteButton Delete BottomButton Bottom PreviousButton Previous UpdateButton Update ClearButton Clear MNU_File &File MNU_Create &Create Customer Database MNU_Quit &Quit Form_Click @ Form_Load AddressBookE Action OpenTable GetRecord FillForm Form_Unload Cancel CloseTable FieldName GetField LastName FieldValue FirstName@ TopButton_Click FirstRecord InsertButton_Click PutField InsertRecord ClearButton_Click MiddleInitial UpdateButton_Click@ UpdateRecord4 @ InsertRec @ UpdateRec Address State^ Phone Notesv BottomButton_Click^ LastRecord NextButton_Click NextRecord PreviousButton_Click PreviousRecord DeleteButton_Click DeleteRecord MNU_Quit_Click| DTBL_Error Reaction LastName_Change LastName_LostFocus MNU_SearchFirst_Click MNU_SearchLast_Click CustomerQ AccountNumber3 TableName IndexID SaveEveryChange False DBENG_Error FormToRecord MNU_Create_Click NFields FieldNames FieldTypes CreateTable IndexNFields CreateIndex TableFieldNames TableFieldTypes TableType Paradox40 Form_Load C:\CUSTOMER" Form_Unload FillForm Here we wish to develop a subroutine that fills in our Address Book form with the information present in thee current record of our database Notice that this Subroutine is not position dependentt It always fills in the form with the information present in the current record. We will use other routines to move around in the databasee table. We can then call this routine to fill in our form.. This routine is reusable!! Get the current record. Account Number Last Name" First Name Middle Initial Address" State" Phone" Notes" TopButton_Click This code will make the current record the first recordd in the table. It will then fill our form with the data present in thee first record.. ClearButton_Click Here we simply clear all the fields on the form. There are no database specific routines involved here. InsertButton_Click This subroutine inserts a record into our database.t Transfer info from form to current record. Insert the record If an error UpdateButton_Click This subroutine updates a record in our database. Transfer info from form to record Update recordf if error InsertRec This subroutine inserts a record into our Address Book database. It takes information present on the form and INSERTS it into the database Account Number Last Name" First Name Middle Initial Address" State" Phone" Notes" UpdateRec This subroutine updates a record in our Address Book database. It takes information present on the form and UPDATES the current record in the database Account Number Last Name" First Name Middle Initial Address" State" Phone" Notes" BottomButton_Click NextButton_Click PreviousButton_Click DeleteButton_Click MNU_Quit_Click DBENG_Error Error code:" -Insufficient password rights! Error code:" -Invalid table!! Error code:" -End of table! Error code:" -Start of table! Error code:" -Unknown error!" FormToRecord This subroutine transfers the information present in the Customer Information form to the database's current record.n Account Number Target database field Target field value Place it in the Accounte Number field in thei current record. Do the same three-step process for each remaining field in the Customer Information form.- Last Name" First Name Middle Initial Address" State" Phone" Notes" MNU_Create_Click We will create the CUSTOMER table here in the root directory on drive CC C:\CUSTOMER" Account Number,Last Name,First Name,Middle Initial,Address,City,State,Zip,Phone,Notes" N,A30,A20,A1,A50,A30,A2,A10,A14,M200 Now create the primary index C:\CUSTOMER"