Form1 Color Game ``@@@` ``@@@` ````` Form1% Timer2 Timer1 EndColorGame Exit Color Game Picture3 Picture4 Picture2 Picture1 ColorBox ColorBox ColorName 8355711 ColorName PURPLE 8388736 ColorName PEACH 4161535 ColorName 16711680 ColorName MAGENTA 16711935 ColorName ColorName 16776960 ColorName GREEN 32768 ColorName BROWN 16255 ColorName ORANGE 32767 ColorName WHITE 16777215 ColorName YELLOW 65535 ColorName 8323327 ColorName BLACK Form_Click Frame1_DragDrop Source Black_Click ColorBox BackColor Yellow_Click7 Orange_ClickR Green_Click Red_Click' Blue_Clickl Purple_Click EndColorGame_Click ColorBox_Change Label1_Click? GRAY_ClickU PINK_Click> @ Form_load Orderj Switch Purple Black Green Blue. Yelloww Orange White_Click2 Brown_Click Cyan_ClickN Magenta_Click ForeColor Peach_Click ColorName_Click" Index ColorName_ Caption SetColor SetColor2? ColorSetq LastIndex move_mouse MouseMoveL event Applies file, label+ Picture{ Description OccursC whenq moves mouse Syntax Form_MouseMove Button) Shift ctlname_MouseMove Remarks These arguments argument Uniquely\ identifiesX array3 state buttons which downG fieldU corresponding middle values respectively indicates| complete three indicating% pressed Ctrlf least_ significant corresponds currentJ location= pointer8 always expressedO terms coordinate ScaleHeight/ ScaleLeft ScaleTop properties= object generated continuallyI acrossf objects Unless0 another6 capturedx recognizes whenever position within bordersH test? constants defineg loading Constant& module havei following value LEFT_BUTTON RIGHT_BUTTON^ MIDDLE_BUTTON SHIFT_MASK CTRL_MASK actv masks combinations without} having figure uniqueo condition first assigning result* temporary variable comparing maskA operator1 greater| pressedfor ExampleI LeftDown CtrlDown procedure conditionsfor MouseDownf MouseUp procedures! respond events caused pressingM releasing differs[ may( indicate exactly8 ClickH DblClick Programmer Chapter demonstrates simple paint applicationA works relatedM turns paintbrush this- create ouseMove Timer1_Timer Timer1 Enabled Picture1 Visible Picture2_ Picture1_Clickq Picture2_ClickT Form_MouseDown Screen MousePointer Scalewidth FillColor< FillStyle3 EndColor EndColorGame ColorBox_KeyPress KeyAscii Timer2 Enable Timer2_Timer icons Picture3f Picture4 Picture3_Click Picture3_Paint$ ColorBox_Change ColorBox_KeyPress ColorName_Click ColorSet BLACK YELLOW ORANGE GREEN PURPLE BROWN MAGENTA PEACH WHITE EndColorGame_Click Change pointer to hourglass. Set random color and draw circles on form. Solid FillStyle.) Choose random FillColor.m Form_Click Change pointer to hourglass. Form_load Timer1_Timer Timer2_Timer