AboutCBoxList About CBoxList Form1% Command1 Picture1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Label2 ]This program is intended to show you some of the possiblities of the CBoxList Custom Control. Label5 .Copyright 1992 All rights reserved worldwide MS Sans Serif Label5 !oPen Software Systemberatung GmbH MS Sans Serif Label5 !this product is brought to you by MS Sans Serif Command1_Click AboutAmber Hauptmenu SBtn3_Change SBtn3_Click Form_Click Form_LinkClose Form_LinkErrorU LinkErr Form_LinkExecute CmdStr Cancel Form_LinkOpen @ Form_Load Width Screen Height AboutFormText Picture1_Click AboutCBoxList Command1_Click Form_Load Center form horizontally. Center form vertically. Picture1_Click This is our company icon for 'oPen Software' ! FormText Hinweistext