BURGLER & ANIMATE These two little apps demonstrate a couple of nifty items. First, Burglar pops up a little form at random on your Windows Screen. The form contains nothing but a little icon of a burglar. Animate uses the same figure in a different format to demonstrate simple animation using icons. You'll see what I mean. That's it for the docs. The rest is in the code for the two programs. This stuff is entered into the public domain, and you can use it as you like, with the exception below in the NOTE. NOTE: The burglar icons were designed by John Jacobsen of Cape Coral, Florida. They remain his property and are protected under the copyright laws. You're welcome to play with them, but not to sell them in any way. The Fonter icon is my own design, and may not be used in any other product by anyone under any circumstances, whether that product is free or not. Problems? Questions? Comments? George Campbell CIS ID: 71571,222