EmpMst Btrieve Test Program Form1% HPhone WPhone ZipCod SocSec FstNam LstNam EmpList EmpNum Frame3 Data Access Frame4 Select By SelectByFirst First Name SelectByLast Last Name SelectByNum Employee # LastCommand PreviousCommand Previous NextCommand FirstCommand First Frame2 Action ExitCommand DeleteCommand Delete ChangeCommand Change AddCommand Label5 Home Phone Label12 Work Phone Label4 Zip Code Label1 Label2 First Name Label6 Last Name Label7 Employee # Form_Click( POSBLK PBELEMENTS KEYBUFFER FILENAME WBTRVINIT WBTRVSTOP BTRCALLT POSBKL BTRVINIT KeyBuff Command1_Click; StatusG BOPEN4 POSBLOCKj DataBuff+ BufLent KeyBufLen+ KeyNum Text1 Command5_Click Command2_Click BFIRST Command3_Click BNEXT] Command4_Click BGREATER BUFFER/ KEYBUFFLEN BPREVIOUS NAMECODEP Text2o Text2_Change FileText ErrorText Command6_Click Text3_Change FileText_Change Command7_Click_ BSTAT Command8_Click BDELETE> OpenCommand_Click Command10_Click FileList_ClickH FileList{ Valueh DirList_Change3 Path5 DirList PatternText_Change Pattern PatternText @ Form_Loadq ErrorText_Change Command1 Enabled Command2 Command3 Command4 Command8 FALSE KeyNumber PrtNum$ BGET_NEXT BGET_PREV; BGET_GTF BGET_GOER BGET_LT BGET_LOE` BGET_FIRST BGET_LAST KeyNumber_Change SubCommand2_Click Label6_Click DATABUF Caption BINSERT$ Text2_Text} BtrErr DriveList_Change! DriveListC Enable TextDriveListj ChrDirW Text3 OpenCommand) Text3_LostFocus Responseh Click Enter StartUp. PartText PrtTyp ClaCod PrtCla Text4 PlanID9 BUpdateJ Command7{ Command5 EmpNum EmpLst EmpFst ileText9 SelectByLast SelectByFirstP SelectByNum\ SetSelectBy Frame1_DragDrop Source SelectByLast_Click SelectByNum_Click SelectByFirst_Click EmpList_Click EmpList EmpLast Index SetEmpList Sorted @ PaintData artText rtText @ ClearData GotFocus SelectBy KeyBuf BGET_EQUALT KBuff ListIndex SelectByLst AddCommand_Click ChangeCommand_Click DeleteCommand_Click Command9_Click. Command13_Click ExitCommand_ClickA Command12_Clickw Command11_Click AddCommand. ChangeCommandZ DeleteCommand4d @ FirstCommand_Click= @ LastCommand_Click NextCommand_Click PreviousCommand_Click DeleteCommand ExitCommand FirstCommand5 LastCommandm FirstCommand NextCommand PreviousCommand SocSec HirDat Text5 NumExp Text6 HPhone Text4_Change KeBufLen FstNam LstNam WPhone CommandsOff ZipCod SetBuff AddCommand_Click Add Action Successful File Action Message ChangeCommand_Click Change SuccessFul File Action Message ClearData Clear Screen Dataa CommandsOff DeleteCommand_Click Are you Sure? File Action Message Delete SuccessFul File Action Message EmpList_Click Set Select Box Get First by EmpNum MsgBox DataBuff.LstNam + DataBuff.EmpNum, 0 ExitCommand_Click Quit App FirstCommand_Click Form_Load Execute StartUp Routine Open EmpMst.Dat File C:\VB\BtrTest\EmpMsts.Dat LastCommand_Click NextCommand_Click PaintData Paint Screen Data after file I/O PreviousCommand_Click SelectByFirst_Click SelectByLast_Click SelectByNum_Click SetBuff Set data buffer to the field values SetEmpList Load EmpList Listbox with Employee Data + " #" + DataBuff.EmpNumm + " #" + DataBuff.EmpNum SetSelectBy