BrwdTwo Related Browse CC's example Form2% CommExit E&xit IndExp Label2 Catalog items Label1 Product groups Brw1_Change nRowCol cIndExp lInitializing BRW_CHANGE_COL vxSelectDbfS vxField IndexExp IndExpk Caption Brw1_GetLine# cLine0 Brw2_GetLine CommExit_Click BrwdTwo+ Form_Load Screen Width Height vxUseDbfc cPath vxUseNtx vxFilterO vxTop vxSetAlias Patience ColWidth$ ColAlign BRW_ALIGN_LEFT Headeru BRW_ALIGN_RIGHTD Form_Unload Cancel vxCloseAll vxWindowDereg Action lOpenCat lOpenPrd nRecNoCat nRecNoPrdi vxSelectNtx fasle vxClose Form_Activate( vxRecNo Form_Deactivate nActiveWorkArea vxDbfCurrent inetegr Form_QueryUnload UnloadMode lOpenDbfs CatCnt PrdCnt Brw1_Change if the record no is changed then refresh the displayo in the Brw2 - the Catalog browse, that is reassigna the IndexExp with the GROUP + CODE + TYPE from thea Product Groups database (PRDGRP.DBF) In this way only the records from the respectiveh Group, Code and Type are displayed in the secondh browse window GROUP Current Catalog Index Scope: Brw1_GetLine DESCR Brw2_GetLine CATALOG.CATNO CATALOG.LIST CATALOG.DESCR CommExit_Click Form_Activate restore active work area and the position of the 2 files saved in the Form_Deactivate proceduree Form_Deactivate save active work area and the position of the 2 files will be restored when the form gets focus next time Form_Load file is already openf open the Catalog database & indexes and set alias CATALOG CATSYS CATGRP CATNUM .NOT.DELETED() CATALOG file is already openf open the Product group database & indexes and set alias PRDGRP .NOT.DELETED() PRDGRP Display a small non-modal form to tell the use to wait while the main form is loading Set up the Product Group Browse - Brw1 set the number of columns in displayw set the widths of each column set the alignment of the column set the column header Product group assign the database handle Set up the Catalog Browse - Brw2 set the number of columns in displayw set the widths of each column set the alignment of the columnsp set the column header, note that the last column can be shorter thani the column width, will be padded with spacesl Catalog number List price Item description assign the database handlei Form_QueryUnload Close the browse windows in the reverse opening order (Last In - First Out)! Form_Unload decrease the file usage count by oneu decrease the file usage count by onet