=======To BRAND and .EXE file=========== Several things need to be done in order to "brand" an .EXE file: 1. In the .EXE file itself, you need to place several constants. The Implant function looks for a string of characters, usually 30 characters long, all the same, such as: Global Const UserName$ = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Global Const UserCo$ = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Global Const UserID$ = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Note, each constant must have a different letter. 2a. In SETUP1.FRM, install the following code in Form_Load(): Sub Form_Load () . . . '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'GET USER INFORMATION (name, company and serial number) '-this section should be placed BEFORE the section that copies the files to the '-destination subdirectory so that subsequent installations will already have the '-user information installed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- title$ = dialogCaption$ caption1$ = "Please enter the following information. Your serial number is found on your diskette." ShowUserDialog title$, caption1$, SourcePath$, outButton$ If outButton$ = "exit" Then GoTo ErrorSetup . . . End Sub 2b. Go to (general) / (declarations) section in SETUP1.FRM and enter the following code: Sub ShowUserDialog (title$, caption1$, SourcePath$, outButton$) Screen.Mousepointer = 11 Load UserDlg UserDlg.caption = title$ UserDlg.Label1.caption = caption1$ UserDlg.SourcePath.tag = SourcePath$ CenterForm UserDlg Screen.Mousepointer = 0 UserDlg.Show 1 outButton$ = UserDlg.outButton.tag Unload UserDlg End Sub 3. Make sure and add USER.FRM to your SETUP1.MAK and recompile. The end result should be an installation which, with the FIRST installation, asks for the user name, company and serial number (usually, I put it on the installation diskette), however, will simply install on subsequent installations with the user name, company and serial number already in place - will not be asked again for the information. If you like the programming, let me know. C. Mark Teter, M.D. Indian Territory Software P. O. Box 52765 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152-0765 CompuServe 72530,626 As I said before, I no longer use this on my distribution diskettes, I want my programs to be as widely distributed as possible, but to note when booting that the program is an EVALUATION copy. Of course, the REGISTERED copy is the same. I simply send the customer an "authorization code" which is an encrypted code derived from the user's name. That way, the user can give a copy of my diskette to anothe person and the other person will see that it's an EVALUATION copy again, because they don't have the code and, even if they do, it will only register under the registered user's name. cmt.