areacode Area Code Lookup MS Sans Serif wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp Form1% Command1 Look Up Area Code MS Sans Serif ltime MS Sans Serif Label1 Time: MS Sans Serif location MS Sans Serif Label3 Location: MS Sans Serif Label2 Area Code: MS Sans Serif Form_Click areacodes timezones areanames numac loadac done2 tzhere Command1_Click findac+ location captionr ltime @ Form_Load ac_ChangeT selstart sellength mousepointer tzformat Thenlocation& All the areacodes Timezones from GMT Name of the Area Codest # of areacodes Local time zone How we like time/dates formattedi Command1_Click This routine finds the area code the user has entered, displays the location and the time at that location. No attempt is made to handle areacodes which are split across time zones or places that do not go onto daylight savings time with the rest of the nation.... The current areacode as an integera We mark the areacode the user entered as "selected", so that afterr we finish the user can just start typing in a new area code without having to delete the old one... Search ...d When we find the area code, update the location and local times... We didn't find the area code! Beep, erase all text on the display,, and open a message box to complain! Invalid Area Code Form_Load When the form is first loaded, read in the area code database loadac This routine loads in the area code file, which iss assumed to be called "ac.dat". The file containss two sections. The first section contains two lines,, the first being the local time zone (offset from GMT),, and the second line holding the time/date format the user prefers.. The second section contains the list of area codes, one per line. The format is areacode/GMT offset/name Location of slashes in text Fields of the text Say we're busy ac.dat Open the database Read local time zone Read prefered format Read in the table of areacodess First break the line into the three pieces (/ is delimeter) Then, assign our arrays the piecese Decrement numac as it's past the end of the datai Say we're not busy anymore...