AddHelp Add Help Form1% Label3 ?Please read the disclaimer at the beginning of the Global file. Label2 0to add the Windows Help system to your programs. Label1 +These two files contain everything you need Menu_Help &Help Menu_HelpSelection &Index Menu_HelpSelection &Keyboard Menu_HelpSelection &Commands Menu_HelpSelection &Using Help Menu_HelpSelection Menu_HelpSelection &About Form_Click Get_Help HelpTopic MID_USING_HELP WinHelp Editor dummy HELP_HELPONHELP HELP_CONTEXT/ Help_File_In_Path CurrentDir SemiColon" Found @ Form_Load Menu_HelpSelection_Click Index MID_ABOUT Menu_Help_Click MYHELP Form_Unload Cancel HELP_QUIT Form_Load ICONWRKS.HLP not found in your path. Windows searches your PATH environment variable for help files, so you need to copy ICONWRKS.HLP to a directory included in your PATH if you wish to obtain help while running IconWorks. IconWorks help not available Form_Unload Get_Help "Using Help" was selected so display the Standard Windows Help Topic for "Using Help". A help topic other the "Using help" was selected. MYHELP.HLP Help_File_In_Path Need to substitute the help file name for MYHELP.HLP MYHELP.HLP Menu_HelpSelection_Click Processes all Help Menu selections. AboutBox.Show MODAL