Bouncing Command Button - by Lou Marino Modify this program -- please..... This is just a little hack I wrote just for the hell of it. The Command button is calculated to stay inside the boundaries of the About window no matter the size of the button or the window. Resize both if you do not believe me..... I do have one question though..... Can anyone tell me why the border of the label box, in the middle of the About window, shows through onto the Command button when the Command button lands on top of the Label box. (My high school English teacher would love that sentence) I had to issue a ".refresh" to clear out the lines that show up on the Command button after each move. If I did not, eventually the Command button would fill in with the accumulation of lines. If someone knows an answer, please post a not on Compuserve in the VB forum. Thanks....... Lou Marino 70322,1473