NameIn Input Name Form2% CancelBut Cancel MS Sans Serif OKBut Enter MS Sans Serif NumberInTxt MS Sans Serif NameInTxt MS Sans Serif Label2 Number MS Sans Serif Label1 MS Sans Serif NameInTxt_Change OKBut_Click NameTxt NameInTxt NumberTxt" NumberInTxt NumberInTxt_Change NameNumTxt FileName FileVar lcreate lcreat FileNum justJ CancelBut_ClickT NameIn ListBoxLoad TeleList' TeleListBox Label1_Click NumLen NumTxt Form_Click Form_Load lpAppName lpKeyName, lpString lpFileName WritePrivateProfileString DelTotal2 ListCount: ListTotal WriteVar NewListTotal DelNameIni UpdateNameIni DelNamIni UpdateNamIni spaces correct trimming CancelBut_Click OKBut_Click Check for entered name and numberf No Name specified No Number specified Adjust spacing of telephone numberss Add spaces for correct trimming of NameNumTxt$ Clear the name and numberr Delete the previous names and numbers with delete Sub Proceduree Add the new name to the list box Then write new Names and Numbers from the listbox to ADIALER.INI with Sub Procedure