InfoSpy - A Windows environment spy which combines the power of a resource monitor, a task scheduler, system alarms and Windows activity tracing in a friendly, clear MDI interface. InfoSpy can examine and report on Windows tasks, modules, open windows, classes, open files, global atoms, memory usage by task, multimedia devices, memory control blocks, DOS device drivers, environment, CMOS, VxDs, virtual machines, version info, timer info, GDI & USER heap, memory usage and heap usage. Each reporting window can be independantly refreshed or automatically updated on a timed basis. InfoSpy has a DLL search utility which will search any local or network drive for all DLLs and will also open all EXE,VBX & DLL files to see which DLLs they in turn reference. Once the search is complete the window displays all unreferenced DLLs and all duplicate DLLs found. There are utilities to delete duplicate files and unload DLL modules. The Resource Monitor function gives you the ability to monitor GDI, USER, heap, virtual memory, DOS memory and up to 4 disks at once. You can select between a text or a graphic monitoring interface. The System Scheduler allows programs to be scheduled for execution, Windows shutdown, Windows restart, System warm boot, System cold boot and Task shutdown. You can select a variety of frequencies (ie: daily) and have the option of getting a countdown timer before the activity occurs. InfoSpy has user defined System Alarms which let you set a minimum level on resources such as GDI, USER, Heap, DOS Memory, Virtual Memory and up to 4 different disks. When any of these alarms reach the minimum level you defined an alarm is triggered so that you can take action. With the power of InfoSpy's tracing tools you can get accurate & dynamic records of all Windows Messages, all Comm Port activity, all File I/O, all Memory usage and all virtual machine messages. As other applications run under Windows, InfoSpy will trace their activity in the background. All information regardless of it's source can be saved to disk, printed with formatting capability or copied to the clipboard. InfoSpy utilized 'IntelliLib' DLL management which lets you select which portions of InfoSpy you want loaded or not. Unused portions of InfoSpy reside in DLLs which do not get loaded into your system and therefore do not use memory. Registration is only $9.99 which will eliminate the startup splash screen and remove 'unregistered' from the screens. InfoSpy has been featured in several shareware books.