==================================================== = = = PADLOCK5.EXE (c)1994 Bob Bowker = = NOCAD.VBX (c)1994 Bob Bowker = = VRBTD.386 (c)1992 Microsoft Corporation = = = ==================================================== PADLOCK5.EXE is a secure ScreenSaver. When you run the program, the screen will be blanked, and a clock showing your System Time will be shown. ***************************************************************** NOTE: CTRL-ALT-DEL IS DISABLED WHILE PADLOCK5.EXE IS RUNNING!!!!! ***************************************************************** VBRUN300.DLL ************ To run PADLOCK5, you must have the file VBRUN300.DLL in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub-directory; the file is available on most bulletin boards or from Microsoft. IMPORTANT NOTES *************** Print out a copy of this file before installing PADLOCK5.EXE Except as noted below, PADLOCK5 locks out the keyboard. There are only two ways to exit from PADLOCK5: 1) enter the correct password, or 2) reboot the computer with a POWER-OFF/POWER-ON or RESET. If your computer has the BIOS password enabled, your system is effectively locked up tight. ============================================================ = This version comes with a default password of PASSWORD = = and a default LOCKUP time of one minute; see UTILITIES = = below to change these values. = ============================================================ SECURITY: Three incorrect passwords will be accepted before the computer will lock up completely for LOCKUP minutes (default one minute). Thereafter, the SpaceBar will activate the Password Input box once again, but its background color will be red, not yellow, and another three incorrect passwords will be accepted before once again locking up for LOCKUP minutes (default one minute). TO INSTALL: *********** 1. From Windows, select FILE:RUN 2. Type A:\SETUP.EXE (substitute the drive and directory where the SETUP.EXE program is located) 3. Select OK to run SETUP.EXE, and follow the instructions to select the the drive and directory where you want the program installed. SETUP will do the following: 1. ask you for the name of the sub-directory where you want the files installed (this can be a new or an existing sub-directory); 2. uncompress and copy PADLOCK5.EXE and other files to the sub-directory you specifiy; 3. uncompress and copy the file NOCAD.VBX to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub- directory; 4. uncompress and copy the file SPIN.DLL to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub- directory; 5. uncompress and copy the file VRBTD.386 to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub- directory; 6. add the line "device=vrbtd.386" to your SYSTEM.INI file (the added line will be preceded by two comment lines identifying the entry as PADLOCK5's, and the installation date); and 7. create a PADLOCK folder with two entries, PADLOCK5 and README. 4. Exit WINDOWS to DOS, then restart WINDOWS. 5. Double-click on the README icon in the PADLOCK folder, and print out this file. TO RUN PADLOCK5.EXE: ******************** 1. Move the PADLOCK5.EXE icon to the folder of your choice. 2. SUGGESTION: define a Shortcut to activate the program (e.g. CRTL-SHIFT-P). 3. Run PADLOCK5 from FILE:RUN, or by double-clicking on the PADLOCK5 icon, or with the Shortcut key(s). TO EXIT FROM PADLOCK5: ********************** 1. Press the SPACEBAR. The clock will be replaced with a yellow Password Input box; type the password (no quotes, upper- or lower-case). Control will be returned to your applications. NOTE: If you haven't changed it since installation, the password is PASSWORD (no quotes, and either upper- or lower-case). UTILITIES: ********** 1. Run PADLOCK5 from FILE:RUN, or by double-clicking on the PADLOCK5 icon, or with the Shortcut Key(s). 2. Type CTRL-U (hold down the CONTROL key while you hit the U key, either upper- or lower-case). 3. Type the password (no quotes, and either upper- or lower-case) and hit ENTER. NOTE: If you haven't changed it since installation, the password is PASSWORD (no quotes, either upper- or lower-case). 4. TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD: type in a NEW PASSWORD (16 characters max) and click on the OK button (or just hit ENTER). You will be asked to retype the NEW PASSWORD for verification: type in the NEW PASSWORD and click on the OK button (or just hit ENTER). If verified, you will be returned to the ScreenSaver clock, with the NEW PASSWORD enabled. If you make a mistake when you retype the NEW PASSWORD, you will be returned to the ScreenSaver clock with the OLD PASSWORD still in effect. TO CHANGE THE LOCKUP LENGTH: click on the UP or DOWN arrows next to the Lockup time box. Lockup time can be set to any number of whole minutes between 0 and 15. When the new Lockup time you wish to enable is displayed, click on the OK button (or just hit ENTER). =========================================== = = = Bob Bowker = = CompuServe 70250,306 = = = = 2811 La Cuesta Drive = = Los Angeles, CA 90046 = = (213)851-5298 = = = ===========================================