SNDDEX.VBX - Soundex search word matching Custom Control Version 3.0 ============================================================================= DESCRIPTION: SNDDEX.VBX is a custom control for doing soundex. "sounds like" word matching. Two versions are provided. The standard soundex matching, and an enhanced soundex matching version. See the on-line help file for a full description of SNDDEX.VBX's operation and how "sounds like" searching works. Soundex sounds like searching is especially applicable to data base applications where soundex is typically used to search for names when the names might be mispelled. A list of possible matches is usually presented allowing the data entry person to select to most probable. ============================================================================= OTHER PRODUCTS: ============================================================================= Weimar Software's WSIHLP sells for $75. The WSIHLP help control collection contains NINE VBXs as follows: BALLOON.VBX provides balloon help popup windows for all form controls. CLACKER.VBX provides the hooks for dynamic menu help using a status bar. NUMWIN.VBX enumerates and returns hWnds for all windows and controls. MNBLUN.VBX provides balloon help for each menu item as it is selected. RTMOUSE.VBX provides ballon help when the right mouse button is clicked. SHADBX.VBX provides a popup shadowed text message, like windows help does. SNDDEX.VBX Soundex and enhanced Soundex word matching and searching. STMOUSE.VBX provides a status line help for each control on a form. WSHELP.VBX contains all of the functionality of these three controls, balloon.vbx, stmouse.vbx and rtmouse.vbx plus a unique capability in DTBALLOON section to provide timer activated balloon help. A great value for the money. See file WSIHLP.ZIP in CIS MSBASIC lib 5. Register WSIHLP in Compuserve's SWREG forum, ID #2146. ============================================================================= Weimar Software's WSHELP sells for $45. The WSHELP help control collection contains FOUR VBXs as follows: BALLOON.VBX provides balloon help popup windows for all form controls. RTMOUSE.VBX provides ballon help when the right mouse button is clicked. STMOUSE.VBX provides a status line help for each control on a form. WSHELP.VBX contains all of the functionality of these three controls, balloon.vbx, stmouse.vbx and rtmouse.vbx plus a unique capability in DTBALLOON section to provide timer activated balloon help. A great value for the money. See file WSHELP.ZIP in CIS MSBASIC lib 5. Register WSHELP in Compuserve's SWREG forum, ID #1428. ============================================================================= Weimar Software's 5PAK20 sells for $45. The 5PAK20 help control collection contains FIVE VBXs as follows: BALLOON.VBX provides balloon help popup windows for all form controls. SHADBX.VBX provides a popup shadowed text message, like windows help does. CLACKER.VBX provides the hooks for dynamic menu help using a status bar. NUMWIN.VBX enumerates and returns hWnds for all windows and controls. SNDDEX.VBX Soundex and enhanced Soundex word matching and searching. A great value for the money. See file 5PAK20.ZIP in CIS MSBASIC lib 5. Register 5PAK20 in Compuserve's SWREG forum, ID #1220. ============================================================================= THIS ZIP FILE CONTAINS: SNDDEX.VBX VB version of the SNDDEX custom control SNDDEX.HLP SNDDEX documentation SAMPLE.ZIP Sample VB program showing how to use SNDDEX README.TXT This file ============================================================================= REGISTRATION: You can register this Control by sending your name and either: 1. On-line registration with Compuserve, type GO SWREG and register product number 1165. The fee is $18.00. A registered copy will be sent by E-Mail. 2. Sending $18 (plus tax) and your name and address to the E-Mail address below. 3. Updates are $3.50 to cover distribution costs. 4. VISA and MC are accepted. We accept phone orders and E-Mail orders. For Visa/MC orders please include exact name on card, postal address of the card holder, card number, and expiration date. Please provide us with an E-Mail address where the control can be sent, alternatively add $3.50 for shipping and a disk will be mailed to you. Overseas shipping varies with destination. Registering the control will get the registered runtime and a design time SPECIAL DEBUGGING VERSION OF THE CONTROL useful in helping you verify the operation of your application when using the control. Special debugging checks are made on various parameters and at critical locations in debugging control to provide you with feedback on proper control and program menu operation. ============================================================================= SOURCE CODE Source code to this control is available on a case by case basis. Please contact Weimar Software regarding your requirements. ============================================================================= HOW TO REACH US: If you have any comments or questions, please send them to us. We can be reached at Weimar Software, 18515 Annie Lane San Jose, CA 95120-1006 408-268-6638, FAX 408-268-7655. Or E-Mail at CIS 71220,2755 and Internet The most recent files are archived on Compuserve in the MSBASIC forum, library 5, and on the INTERNET at the ftp site, cd to /ftp/pub/bg/bglover. The file which contains all of the controls plus the manual file for all controls is WSIHLP.ZIP. ============================================================================= LICENSE: The SNDDEX control may not be commercially distributed, used for applications other than trial use, distributed by government agencies or any of its contractors, UNLESS a registration fee is paid by the distributing party. A registered control may be distributed with the applications that use it at no additional cost. This trial use file may be only distributed in its entirety. This file may not be included in CD-ROM distributions, bundled with other files, or offered for retail sale without contacting Weimar Software and obtaining a license to redistribute SNDDEX.VBX.