MidiWW is a shareware VBX control for use with VB 3.0. You may use the unregistered version to evaluate the control. If you wish to distribute the control with a program you create, you must register your copy. If you choose to register, you will receive two versions of MidiWW, a developer's version, and a run-time-only version for distri- buting with your programs. Neither version contains the "unregistered" pop-up. If you have any questions, I may be contacted via CompuServe at 72070,3713. Thanks, Winefred Washington MidiWW Midi Custom Control for Visual Basic Description MidiWW is a Visual Basic control which allows you to send and receive MIDI data from your MIDI keyboard via your Windows sound card. The control can transfer data at precise intervals to/from the keyboard. If you do not have a MIDI keyboard, the control can still play notes via your sound card. File Name MIDIWW.VBX Object Type MidiWW Remarks Please see the MidiWW.HLP file for details about using and registering MidiWW. About MidiWW control was written by Winefred Washington. For additional information: Winefred Washington 1702 Lion Heart Drive Cedar Park, TX 78613 CompuServe ID: 72070, 3713 Properties and Events All properties and events are listed in the following tables. Properties _____________________________________________________________ ChannelMask DriverVersion ErrorNum ErrorText hMidiOut InCount InputDevice InputEnabled InputTime Left ManID Msg Name NumInDevs NumNotes NumOutDevs NumVoices OutCount OutputDevice OutputEnabled OutputTime Parent ProdID ProductName ShortMsg Support Tag Technology Top Events ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MidiInOpen MidiInError MidiInClose -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------