Code Libararian for Windows version 1.03 By Leigh C. McMullen This Version Superceeds the previous as it did not include the necessary file threed.vbx this version no longer requires Threed.vbx Zip File contents: Codelib.exe: The Executible Codelib.mdb: The Codelib Database codelib.ldb: The Codelib Database index Cmmdialog.vbx: A support file for code lib msgblast.vbx : Another support file for codelib codelib.txt: This file. vbdb300.dll : Data access Msabc110.dll: Data access msaes110.dll: Data access msajit110.dll: Data access vbrun300.dll: Vb runtime module Installation instructions: copy all the dll's and vbx's to the windows system directory make a directoy for the code libararian copy everything else there What is Code Libararian? It is a function/procedure/object and code fragment archiver. it allows you to place all of you favorite code samples into one place, and have them at hand when ever you want them. How does it work? 1. While in your favorite editor, simply copy a code fragment to the clipboard. 2. press the add button on the Codelib screen 3. fill in the ID field (Mandatory) 4. fill in the description field (Optional) 5. press the update key (It was the add key but it changed) presto! your code is copied off of the clipboard into the codelib database How do I get my code out of codelib? 1. Select the fragment you want by dropping down the list box and clicking on the desired item 2. Press the "Put To Clipboard" button on the lower right hand corner 3. While in your favorite editor simply select the position at which you would like to paste the code. 4. select paste from your editors edit menu. There it is large as life. Things you should remember: Since the code lib uses the clipboard to transfer info back and forth between your editor and the program the old contents of the clipboard will be erased. This program is shareware: this means that you do not own it, I do. If you feel it is very useful send me some money, if you don't remove it from you hard drive and forget about it. What do you get for registering: * You get to feel good about your self for contributing to the over all goodness of humanity in my mind. * You get to get a new, shiny 3 1/2 inch diskette, hand labeled by me, sent to your home. * You get the right to ask me questions about this and other programs, and to suggest new features. (Un reg. Users can ask but I won't pay any attention to them) * You get a full registered version with the ability to load different databases. (This is useful for maintaining separate libraries for each language you use) the full version also has: further separation of libraries by class (not object classes but types of functions.) The abality to use several different databases. Everything that this one has and much much more (That means I wanted to give you as much as I could with the trial version, So you pretty much have it all already) It won't destroy your hard drive after thirty days like this one might. (just kidding) =:> * And finally and most importantly you get to show off to your friends about how you actually registered a piece of shareware! But if you still don't want to regs. Thats fine, I'll keep writing these things and you'll keep stealing them. Maybee I'll even steal some of your stuff someday and that'll be fair. The Legal stuff: this program isn't yours its mine. I don't care if you send me money ,it is still mine. if you send me money I'll let you use it for longer than 30 days if you use it, i am NOT responsible for anything. Really, not a damn dingo's-kidney, if it blows up you computer, starts Armageddon, jumps out of the box and kills you, sets fire you your wife, eats your dog, and causes you lots and lots of pain suffering, monetary damage, and loss of life and limb, I still am not responsible, You use this software at Your Own Risk!. Even if you get a nasty paper cut opening the package, it is entirely your fault. (Even if I have been advised that these things might happen) Furthermore: if some stupid, lame-brained, Judge or Jury decides it is my fault, the most you can squeeze out of my tight little white butt is the amount I squeezed out of yours for the original license. I also don't warrant this program for fitness for any particular purpose. If you paid for it and it doesn't do what you wanted it to--TOUGH! If you don't like this get rid of the program now. if you use the program you are accepting the terms of this user license. How to register: I move allot but I allways check you EMail SO: Email me at and I will give you a place where you can send me money. (You can also send suggestions if you like) How Much is it? A whole whopping ten bucks! thats right $10.00 (If you feel I deserve more by all means send it!) But I am not trying to get rich here (Though the Idea sounds cool) I just something for me that I thought you might be able to use. If you can and think that it saved you $10.00 worth of time, Well I could use a new pair of shoes. If not... Well, I know that telling to to throw it away is useless, you'll keep it if you want to, And I suppose thats Okay. if you have any suggestions or comments good you bad Email me. Leigh Out! 5/31/94