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FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6;  Oh+'0$Hl    D h D:\WORD\TEMPLATE\A_BENCH.DOTBenchmark SystemMonitor ApplicationGetting Started svSV Bn H . 8 U _ ` a s   ? 7 8 { ^_w%bcdeq(+,>?@AU0fghiw: %g      6H  C 6H6H(H60 W;$:J$E;::GG;$,:WE-^NDm-D^v砒D7^ ADhD^EbWD:^DEWEW:E-N^D-D^짴DE-^E-:GG:::ܧn^ $WE W:E-ND-D-* (E%TD=D/:EE\W:dE --bEȀ- p/E-d P态E-E:WE-/P   c` P ԁ77 A??E//h (dDp{&W:?d O?d OOT /dk~p~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~E\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KR:        C (Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!),-DEFH]^yz   " # < = O P R S m n } ~     / ; G H þþ]cH]c0uPV]uDPV]V] UV]cU]U] uDU]UV]uDUV]]uDU[] uDZZG+,-./012abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~0*60*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*J0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*& &*P'*P(*P)*P+-jjIFP T $  x  /0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*& !0*( !0*( (K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4()Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]c B. Run Setup  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211756  PAGEREF _Toc302211756 3 C. Using the Monitor  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211757  PAGEREF _Toc302211757 3 D. Viewing the Error Log  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211758  PAGEREF _Toc302211758 3 Getting Started Minimum Requirements Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Microsoft NT 3.1 Local destination directory with full share privileges Run Setup Benchmark Monitor SETUP.EXE is located on \\frozen\benchdrp\monitor. Using the Monitor Start the MONITOR.EXE by double-clicking the Monitor Icon created by the Setup Program. Configure the Monitor with the appropriate parameters. Server Information - login information for the target server. Storage Database - the database you would like the results returned to at the end of the benchmark. Interval - The interval in seconds on which to sample the target. This interval is sav000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: :  ^:  + :C ++(+0 W;$:J$E;::GG;$,:WE-VNDf-DVv砒D7V ADhDVxEbWD:vV*DEWEW:E-NVDx-DV짴DE-VE-:GG:::ܧnV $WE W:E-NxD-D-x* (E%TDyP=D/:EPEy y\W:dE--bx EyPy-xp/E-dxyPyEP-Eyy:WE-y /yy` ?`##? ˀ y7y7y A?yy?Ey/`/h (Vld`Dp{&W:?d O?d OOT `/dk~p`~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~VlE\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KR:l      )  C ))() |W ://O,:WE-XlNDgL-DXlv砒D7Xl ADhDXlyDE jEe7W: EWEW:El-NXDyD-DXl짴DE-XlE-Xl&& 8a+nDXl*FWE W:E-NyDD-DD-y* (E%TDz=D/:EEz@z\W:dE--by@Ezz-yp/E-dy z{E-Ezz:WE-z@/{ zd _`OO ! {7z7z A?zz?Ez/`/h (Vd`Dp{&W:?d O?d OOT `/dk~p`~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~VE\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KRF:J    b   ( b C (((( W;$:J$E;::GG;$,:WE-YLNDh-DYLv砒D7YL ADhDYLzEbWD:YL"DEWEW:EL-NYDz-DYL짴DE-YLE-:GG:::ܧnYL $WE W:E-NzD-D-z* (E%TD{=D/:EE{{\W:dE--b{E{{-{p/E-d{L{|E-E{{:WE-{/|L{\   _ L |7{7{ A?{{?E{/`/h (Yd`Dp{&W:?d O?d OOT `/dk~p`~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~YE\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KR:)    >    '  C ''(' W;$:J$E;::GG;$,:WE-ZNDi-DZv砒D7Z ADhDZ{EbWD:Z DEWEW:E-NZD{-DZ짴DE-ZE-:GG:::ܧnZ $WE W:E-N{D-D-{* (E%TD}=D/:EE|}\W:dE`--b|E}|-|`p/E-d|`}}E-E}}8:WE-|/}}8N@ g((g \ }7}887} A?8}8}?E}8/`/h (YLd`Dp{&W:?d O?d OOT `/dk~p`~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~YLE\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KR>A:    <C  C <C<C(C<Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!):3  >    <C  C <C<C(C<Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!):3  >    <C  C <C<C(C<Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!):%(E   Jx&x  k &xC kk(kȤʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!)v:    z    z C ( MGY/XpEU[p$ RaP;~E %&R ` &f MNEUE;$R;$;$:E;$:GG;$$:;W aP 12.0;$uPa;$;$E$aP; aP%EW:;$PaPE?;$aaPܧ4NW;$aPKaP8;$:PEa$::;$ ;%(E:W:;$b;$:;$8W4N:F;$8K;$:;$T:J;$E: GG$:;R &fMNEUE  R gV PXN6W : PtcieruuP ilbehsrO *TE9WTFF5YH$ ** @2*E*E Y0*E P*xE EVx*EzVmmVmOOW `E/Ex:cow\\krneb\hclersaem\einorotip\p\c20p140 5FEWO`E/h.EEE\:crowb\kcne#:r! 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Run Setup Benchmark Client SETUP.EXE is will install the client software. Starting the Client Each time the CLIENT.EXE program is registered you have the option of having the Client recreate its supporting database files. Purging the Client of old databases is recommended. You also have the choice to sync the machine clock to the REDMOND domain time server if available. Start CLIENT.EXE by double clicking on the Client icon created by the setup program Designate the control database and fill in supporting information. If you have select the auto-load option this box will not be displayed in future setups. This option allows for clients to be configured for FULL remote operation. Press the Register button or press The Client will register the information with the control database. It will also perform a version check and if needed allow you to automatically upgrade client based on information in the control database. Running a benchmark A benchmark can be configured from the client. Simply enter in the configuration information and choose start. To stop a benchmark choose the stop button. The same rules for database information apply here as in the Benchmark Manager.  TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT Benchmark System ->  SUBJECT \* MERGEFORMAT Client Application  KEYWORDS \* MERGEFORMAT Getting Started 8 January, 1994 -> Bergmann Consulting, Unlimited Page  PAGE 2  Benchmark SystemMonitor ApplicationKen Bergmann08/22/94 5:42 PMKen Bergmann08/22/94 5:42 PMSTRTMNTR.DOC\\lords\drop3 TOC \o "1-2" I. Getting Started  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211754  PAGEREF _Toc302211754 3 A. Minimum Requirements  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211755  PAGEREF _Toc302211755 3m^7^mmmm)*+23LM_`a+,<=WXhitu !12MNefgiZ uDZ[ uD[U[]uDU[]]c[]cuD]cHuD]cH]c0uD]c0KOverview Why Monitor??  4 b!b7b8b9b|b}b~bbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccc*ceccccccNd`dddddddddde"e,eDeGeHeeeeeeeeeeeeQfWfffff1gYgZg[g)))))))))4uD4]uPV]uDuDuDDuDuDuDuDuDP,*ab8b}bbbccc*ceccccde"eeeeeWfffff1gYgZg))))))K%q1v0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0* 0*0*0*0*K0*0*^0*0*@0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*K0*0* 0*K0*0*0*0*K0*0*+ K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4(); 4HK%߿9q%034M1vPV]u" K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4()Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]cPoABPPicture: 4 Monitoring can be very helpful in a lot of instances. For mission critical applications it is very important to be able to rely on the SQL Server database to perform well at all times. It is also important to know that certain times of day, market condiftions, office situations, and query sets are not overly stressing your SQL Server databases. The Monitor is a passive monitoring system which collects information much the same as the SQL Monitor does. This information however is stored in an ACCESS database for future reference, breakdowns, filtration, etc. This information is completely compatible with the information that is obtained when running the SQL Benchmark system. The SQL Benchmark system is a set of applications which can perform flexible, statistically accurated in an .ini file and preloaded at the start of the monitor. Begin the Benchmark by pressing the Begin button. Monitor the information received by pressing the Status button. This will show the information being retrieved. End the monitoring by pressing the End button. This will transfer the data to the storage database. It errors occur during this transfer, the transfer can be done manually by pressing the Manual Copy button. Viewing the Error Log Pressing the Error Log button will bring up the log of errors for the time the executable has been running. This information is for user information only and is discarded when the executable is unloaded. 3 The setup program is entitled Configuring the Monitor Main Window The Main window is where the configuration of the Monitor is done. The Main window looks like this:  The parts of the main window are as follows: The Server Name  The Login ID  The Password  The Workstation Name  The Storage Database  The Blockage Trigger Sampling Interval S\STRTMNTR.DH I J N V W X k l m x )*+,-.HIJUcdefn{|}~"fguZ uDZ[ uD[] uD]ZgyE= > !!"""""""""##)#@#A#B#o#~#####################***!*%*+*,*-*F```````````aaaa*alaaaaabbbb buD{uDlguuDuDPuDuD0uD8uD0*PV]R"gyF> p !!""""""#@#B#o#############**!*%*,*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*k0*0*X0*0*X0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*,View Error Log Manual Copy Begin End Status 4:%c     m C m m(m Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!)j - The name of the SQL Server that you would like to monitor. - The login id used to access the target SQL Server. - The password used to access the target SQL Server. - The workstation name used to access the target SQL Server. - The database to transfer data to after monitoring is completed. - The number of simultaneous blocks which must occur to dump the blockage hunter information to the database.  - the number of milliseconds to wait between queries.  - loads the error log for viewing.  - manual copies the local database tables to the storage database.  - starts the monitoring process.  - ends the monitoring process.  - Increases the viewing area to include the status information.  Viewing Monitor Data Status Display The status display is shown by pressing the status button. The status display looks like the following:  The primary purpose of this display is to give a snapshot of the results of the SQL DB Monitor. The displays are in CURRENT/HIGHEST format. In the display, under Performance, the current value was 891 ms. The highest milliseconds ever returned by the queries was 1554. All values show the changes over previous values except the %s. These are accurate with changes already invoked. Copying Data While the transaction is prepared the application will wait for 4 seconds. This is illustrated by the informational message as follows:  When copying the records the display will show the progress as follows:  If errors occur they will be logged and a message will state that the transfer may have failed. If this happens use the manual copy button to transfer the results. Error Viewing The Error Log The error log records all errors that happen during program execution. To view these errors press the view errors button. The error log looks like the following: 5  : hg3   &    8H  C 8H8H(H8 W;$:J$E;::GG;$,:WE-]tNDlh-D]tv砒D7]t ADhD]t~TEbWD:]tDEWEW:Et-N]D~T-D]t짴DE-]tE-:GG:::ܧn]t $WE W:E-N~TD-DT-~* (E%TD=D/:EEP\W:dE--b~PE-~p/E-d~瀀E-E:WE-P/^  5 00 c  Ԁ77 A??E/`/h ([d`Dp{&W:?d O?d OOT `/dk~p`~ NI Ir PPI.bMEEE ~[E\:CCIPUPE JFE/BE:COW\\KR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>LABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZX\]^_`a defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !3456789:EFGHIJK[MNOPQRSTUVW)Z[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~:_+ h0<HH I J N V W ILUVWbpqrs{ %&'()*?@ALZ[\]erstuvw     $%&1?@ABJWXYZ[\vwx!/012:GHIJKLfghs -./012DEFQ_`abjwxyz{|))HK%߿9q%034M)1v))"3efgyE= p !!""""##)#@#A#B#o#F`~####````####`````####`aaaa####*a####laaaa##abb#*bb b!b7b8b**9b|b}b**~bbbbbb *!*bbb$*%*bbbbccc"ccc*ceccccccNd`dddddddddde"e,eDeGeHeeeeeeeeeeeeQfWfffff1g)) ~    "Times New Roman Symbol &Arial FCoronetWide Latin&CG Omega " AvantGardeCentury Gothic PalatinoBook AntiquaVPeignot Medium&EurostileGaramond Tms Rmn"hj%E%A)$D:\WORD\TEMPLATE\A_BENCH.DOTBenchmark SystemMonitor ApplicationGetting Started \\lords\drop Ken Bergmann Ken Bergmannࡱ; ܥe3 le h<@@@P4"z Lllllf$*,,,!MmTR lllll*&(@*  TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT Benchmark System  SUBJECT \* MERGEFORMAT Client Application Created by:  AUTHOR \* MERGEFORMAT Ken Bergmann Created on:  CREATEDATE \* MERGEFORMAT 08/22/94 5:28 PM Last Saved by:  LASTSAVEDBY \* MERGEFORMAT Ken Bergmann Last Saved on:  SAVEDATE \* MERGEFORMAT 08/22/94 5:28 PM Filename:  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT STRTCLNT.DOC Location:  COMMENTS \* MERGEFORMAT \\lords\drop Total Pages:  NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 3 Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" Getting Started  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302210852  PAGEREF _Toc302210852 3 Minimum Requirements:  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302210853  PAGEREF _Toc302210853 3 Run Setup  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302210854  PAGEREF _Toc302210854 3 Starting the Client  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302210855  PAGEREF _Toc302210855 3 Running a benchmark  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302210856  PAGEREF _Toc302210856 3  Getting Started Minimum Requirements: Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Microsoft NT 3.1 or greater ODBC must be properly installed if the ODBC option is to be used. Run Setup Benchmark Client SETUP.EXE is will install the client software. Starting the Client Each time the CLIENT.EXE program is registered you have the option of having the Client recreate its supporting database files. Purging the Client of old databases is recommended. You also have the choice to sync the machine clock to the REDMOND domain time server if available. Start CLIENT.EXE by double clicking on the Client icon created by the setup program Designate the control database and fill in supporting information. If you have select the auto-load option this box will not be displayed in future setups. This option allows for clients to be configured for FULL remote operation. Press the Register button or press The Client will register the information with the control database. It will also perform a version check and if needed allow you to automatically upgrade client based on information in the control database. Running a benchmark A benchmark can be configured from the client. Simply enter in the configuration information and choose start. To stop a benchmark choose the stop button. The same rules for database information apply here as in the Benchmark Manager.  TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT Benchmark System ->  SUBJECT \* MERGEFORMAT Client Application  KEYWORDS \* MERGEFORMAT Getting Started 8 January, 1994 -> Bergmann Consulting, Unlimited Page  PAGE 2  Benchmark SystemMonitor ApplicationKen Bergmann08/22/94 5:42 PMKen Bergmann08/22/94 5:42 PMSTRTMNTR.DOC\\lords\drop3 TOC \o "1-2" I. Getting Started  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211754  PAGEREF _Toc302211754 3 A. Minimum Requirements  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302211755  PAGEREF _Toc302211755 3m^7^mmmm)*+23LM_`a+,<=WXhitu !12MNefgiZ uDZ[ uD[U[]uDU[]]c[]cuD]cHuD]cH]c0uD]c0K 4HK%߿9q%034M1v 0<HILUVWbpqrs{ %&'()Z uDZ[ uD[]]cH]c0PV]uX     3 !"#$?456789:;< K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4()Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]cPoABPPicture: 4 Monitoring can be very helpful in a lot of instances. For mission critical applications it is very important to be able to rely on the SQL Server database to perform well at all times. It is also important to know that certain times of day, market condiftions, office situations, and query sets are not overly stressing your SQL Server databases. The Monitor is a passive monitoring system which collects information much the same as the SQL Monitor does. This information however is stored in an ACCESS database for future reference, breakdowns, filtration, etc. This information is completely compatible with the information that is obtained when running the SQL Benchmark system. The SQL Benchmark system is a set of applications which can perform flexible, statistically accurate benchmarks of mission-critical database components to find problems, Or stress test modifications or designs. The Monitor also includes the Blockage Hunter technology. This means that when blocks occur simultaneously on the server, all the information is locked and retrieved for analysis. So after the fact you can go back and see what processes, queries, tables, or views, were having blocks, or deadlocks. This is a lifesaver for debugging extensive client server applications.Who uses the Monitor?? Anyone who has unbenchmarked client server systems. Anyone who wants more information about their SQL Database activity. Anyone who needs comprehensive Blockage Hunter data about there SQL Databases. 3  Benchmark SystemMonitor ApplicationKen Bergmann08/22/94 5:42 PMKen Bergmann08/23/94 4:27 PMSTRTMNTR.DOC\\lords\drop6I. Overview  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293516  PAGEREF _Toc302293516 3 A. Why Monitor??  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293517  PAGEREF _Toc302293517 3 B. Who uses the Monitor??  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293518  PAGEREF _Toc302293518 3 II. Getting Started  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293519  PAGEREF _Toc302293519 4 A. Minimum Requirements  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293520  PAGEREF _Toc302293520 4 B. Run Setup  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293521  PAGEREF _Toc302293521 4 C. Using the Monitor  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293522  PAGEREF _Toc302293522 4 D. Viewing the Error Log  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293523  PAGEREF _Toc302293523 4 III. Configuring the Monitor  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293524  PAGEREF _Toc302293524 4 A. Main Window  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293525  PAGEREF _Toc302293525 4 IV. Viewing Monitor Data  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293526  PAGEREF _Toc302293526 5 A. Status Display  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293527  PAGEREF _Toc302293527 5 B. Copying Data  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293528  PAGEREF _Toc302293528 6 V. Error Viewing  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293529  PAGEREF _Toc302293529 6 A. The Error Log  GOTOBUTTON _Toc302293530  PAGEREF _Toc302293530 6 2TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  )*?@ALZ[\]erstuvw     $%&1?@ABJWXYZ[\vwx!Z[ uD[ uDZ_!/012:GHIJKLfghs -./012DEFQ_`abjwxyz{|PV][ uD[ uDZZY+x]M3}0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0* K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4()Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]cPoABPPicture: 4 !!! !! ^ ;12b.kgQ6&x V= C ) 3 \ n ;3vZr~^`:<bd57~p')qs%3z0*60*0*J0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*}0*K0*0*0*0*Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]cPoABPPicture: 4 ~:-R   F"   "C (Ȥʦ}}}yyyuuuqqqmmmiiieeeaaa]]]YYYUUUQQQMMMIIIEEEAAA<<<888444000,,,((($$$  ޽ƭssRBcRsRJcJ9B91R919!!掠91BތcRZ9)11!){kss{skZccZJB9kRJcBBZ1)Μεss{s{ZkkRRJƽZ{JRkc9ZZ9JJ!!kccR{Jc9k9cs)BR)9BsJkkcc9kJk)R)Js)Jc)19!)1{Rs9k{1kZsRs1R9BR!1R!J1sJkZkcsckBRJRs)91BJk)k!)R!)BcsBRssks1BRZRZ19)9911kRk{kkkks11B))1!!)e benchmarks of mission-critical database components to find problems, Or stress test modifications or designs. The Monitor also includes the Blockage Hunter technology. This means that when blocks occur simultaneously on the server, all the information is locked and retrieved for analysis. So after the fact you can go back and see what processes, queries, tables, or views, were having blocks, or deadlocks. This is a lifesaver for debugging extensive client server applications.Who uses the Monitor?? Anyone who has unbenchmarked client server systems. Anyone who wants more information about their SQL Database activity. Anyone who needs comprehensive Blockage Hunter data about there SQL Databases. 3   K`Normal]a p`"p Heading 1K h<(  4h. U]ckb`b Heading 2C x(  4h.] cd`!2d Heading 3F 8( 4hUcZ`1BZ Heading 4=  4h]Z`ARZ Heading 5@ p0 4()Vf`f Heading 6F @ 0< 4()V]cb`b Heading 7F 0< 4()]d`d Heading 8F 0< 4()V]f `f Heading 9F 0< 4()V]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font ` Footer ! ` Header !)@ Page Number,`,TOC 1xx0* U[]$`$TOC 2 0* Z]&`&TOC 3 0* V]&`&TOC 4 0* ]c&`&TOC 5 X0* ]c&`&TOC 6  0* ]c&`&TOC 7 0* ]c&`&TOC 8 0* ]c&`&TOC 9 x0* ]c"`" Normal Indent`o` NormalBullets@  4h] `o` NormalIndent@ 8 4h]cPoABPPicture: 4 !!! !! c ;12b.knSB H . 8 a s  @ 8 { _wce?Agi:<u#,.vx*80*60*0*J0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*}0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*k0*0*X0*0*X0*0*0*0*C0*0*+0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0* 0*0*0*0*K0*0*^0*0*@0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0* +,-./012bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~.knSB H . 8 a s  @ 8 { _wce?Agi:<u#,.vx*8$$$$$$&$$$$$444$$$$$$$$444444444444$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&H g b4,* )2L`,=Xiu!5Qikl6NPQl 2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D).H[^y!n _Toc283082279 _Toc302211727 _Toc302211754 _Toc283082280 _Toc302211728 _Toc302211755 _Toc302211729 _Toc302211730 _Toc282758724 _Toc283082281 _Toc302211731 _Toc302211756 _Toc302211732 _Toc282758725 _Toc283082282 _Toc302211733 _Toc302211757 _Toc302211734 _Toc302211735 _Toc302211736 _Toc302211738 _Toc302211739 _Toc283082283 _Toc302211740 _Toc302211758 _Toc302211741 . . . . 8 a a a a s 8 { { {   - 7 7 7 7 ` k r r r  7 z ^Ken Bergmann (t-kenbe)D:\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken BergmannC:\WORK\BENCH\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC@HP LaserJet IIISiLPT2:HPPCL5MSHP LaserJet IIISi  DLwW,,;}w;}d%AHP LaserJet IIISi  DLwW,,;}w;}d%A   Sg] a g]a  g]a  Sg]a D)M` ,Yi !"567BPQRS[hijklm'5678@MNOPQRlmny0*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*K0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*k0*0*X0*0*X0*0*0*0*C0*0*+0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*K0*0*0* 0*0*0*0*K0*0*^0*0*@0*0*0*0*K0*0*0*0* +,-./012bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~.kgQ6&x V= C ) 3 \ n ;3vZr~^`:<bd57~p')qs%3z$$$$$$$$$$$$444$$$$$$$$444444444444$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&H g b4)!,* )2L`,=Xiu!.Jbdex4LNOi134Ok !#$?[suv  9QSTg 2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D2%D).H[^y! _Toc283082279 _Toc302211727 _Toc302293516 _Toc302293517 _Toc302293518 _Toc302293519 _Toc283082280 _Toc302211728 _Toc302293520 _Toc302211729 _Toc302211730 _Toc282758724 _Toc283082281 _Toc302211731 _Toc302293521 _Toc302211732 _Toc282758725 _Toc283082282 _Toc302211733 _Toc302293522 _Toc302211734 _Toc302211735 _Toc302211736 _Toc302211738 _Toc302211739 _Toc283082283 _Toc302211740 _Toc302293523 _Toc302211741 _Toc302293524 _Toc302293525 _Toc302293526 _Toc302293527 _Toc302293528 _Toc302293529 _Toc302293530 ) ) ) ) 3 \ \ \ \ n 3vvvZr%  !"# ( 2 2 2 2 [ f m m m 2uYq}$2  Ken BergmannC:\WORK\BENCH\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTCLNT.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC Ken Bergmann'C:\WORK\BENCH\RELEASE\DOCS\STRTMNTR.DOC@HP LaserJet IIISiLPT2:HPPCL5MSHP LaserJet IIISi  DLwW,,;}w;}d%AHP LaserJet IIISi  DLwW,,;}w;}d%A---- Sg] a g]a  g]a  Sg]a X)M` ,Yi !"%./0;IJKLTabcdefxyz%3456>KLMNOPijkv #012345OPQ\jklmu    !"#$%?@ALZ[\]erstuvw