Option Explicit Sub Command1_Click () OpenNewTableDesign End Sub Sub Command2_Click () Dim x As Integer On Error Resume Next If list1.ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "No Table Selected: You must select a table before it can be deleted", 64, "Data Manager" Else x = MsgBox("Are You Sure You Want To Delete Table: """ + list1.List(list1.ListIndex) + """?", 33, "Data Manager") If x = 1 Then gDatabase.TableDefs.Delete list1.List(list1.ListIndex) If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox "Could Not Delete Table:" + Chr$(13) + Error$, 64, "Data Manager" Exit Sub Else RefreshDatabaseWindow End If End If End If End Sub Sub Command3_Click () On Error Resume Next 'catch case where form doesn't load If list1.ListIndex <> -1 Then MainForm.TableName = list1.List(list1.ListIndex) Dim x As New DataForm x.Show If Err Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "No Table Selected", 64, "Data Manager" End If End Sub Sub command4_click () If list1.ListIndex <> -1 Then If Not OpenTableDesign((list1.List(list1.ListIndex))) Then MsgBox "Could Not Open Table Design Window.", 64, "Data Manager" End If Else MsgBox "No Table Selected", 64, "Data Manager" End If End Sub Sub Form_Load () Me.Tag = "Database" Left = 0 Top = 0 End Sub Sub Form_Resize () On Error Resume Next Dim i As Integer If Me.WindowState = 0 Then If Me.Width < 2000 Then Me.Width = 2000 End If If Me.Height < 2070 Then Me.Height = 2070 End If End If If Me.WindowState <> 1 Then list1.Width = Me.ScaleWidth - 120 - list1.Left list1.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - 120 - list1.Top End If End Sub Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer) Dim max As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim abort As Integer Dim temp As Integer gDatabase.Close gDatabaseName = "" max = forms.Count - 1 i = 0 abort = False Do While i <= max If forms(i).Tag <> "Main" And forms(i).Tag <> "Database" Then temp = forms.Count Unload forms(i) If temp = forms.Count Then abort = True Exit Do End If max = max - 1 Else i = i + 1 End If Loop End Sub Sub List1_DblClick () command4_click End Sub