The Calender Wizard..... Conditions Of Use. There Is Only One Condition Placed On Your Use Of This Wizard And That Is That You Pass It On To Everyone. To Add The Calender Wizard To MS Access 2.0 The Following Must Be Completed 1. Copy The BBCALWIZ.MDA File To Your Access2 Directory 2. Open Miscrosoft Access 2.0 3. Create A New Database 4. From The File Menu Select Add-Ins, Add In Manager. 5. Look Through The List Of Add-ins. One Of Them Should Read The Calender Wizard. 6. Select It And Click Install. 7. Once Complete - Close The Database Then Close MS Access 8. When You Open MS Access - Whichever Database You Have Open You Will Be Able To See The Calender Wizard Option From The File Menu, Add-ins To Run The Wizard Click On It Once The Wizard Has Built Your Form, You must Note The Following : 1. The Date The Calender Returns Is Stored In ME![Calender_Date] 2. EveryThing On The Calender Is Resizable, Although I Advise Against Resizing Or Changing Grid. 3. If You Wish To Process Something On The Change Of A Date Use The Field Calender_Date, (This Is Stored At Location 1,1 And Its Width And Height Are 1,1. Therefore It Cannot Be Seen.) Use The On Got Focus Of The Ctrl To Build Your Code. Kind Regards Bit Head 1 (AKA Terry Cacutt) Bit Head 2 (AKA Ali Mehmet - CompuServe 100423.245)