Function SearchSubFormEnhanced () Dim strCriteria As String, strField As String, strLinkChild As String Dim strLinkMaster As String, rsForm As Recordset, rsSubForm As Recordset Dim strSearchValue As String, i As Integer, db As Database, varLinkValue As Variant Static strOldCriteria As String, OrgID, ContID, Searchfield As Control, strOldSearchValue As String Dim Criteria As String '**** Purpose of code is to display main form records corresponding to '**** values searched for on the subform. This overcomes the normal Access '**** limitation of the Edit, Find facility. '**** To use, change the form name 'Organisations Form', subform name "Contacts" and fields '**** OrganisationID, ContactID and table Contacts to suit your application, then call from a menu. '**** If you call from a button, use PreviousControl instead of ActiveControl. '**** To find the next or previous match enter "/" or "\" as the search value. '**** Cursor should be placed in field to be searched. '************************************************************************************************** 'Author: Charles Kangai ' Blueneck Computer Training & Consulting Services ' 9 Chandos Road ' Redland ' Bristol, UK ' Compuserve: 100424,1710 Internet: ' Tel: 0117-974 4416 Fax: 0117-923 8172 Int'l: Tel/Fax: 44-117-974 4416/44-117-923 8172 '************************************************************************************************** On Error GoTo ErrorSearchSubForm 'Identify the name of the control being searched 'and the names of the fields involved in the linking relationship strField = Screen.activecontrol.Name 'Use PreviousControl if you call function from a button strLinkChild = CStr(Me![Contacts].LinkChildFields) strLinkMaster = CStr(Me![Contacts].LinkMasterFields) strSearchValue = InputBox$("Please enter value to search for:", "Searching in " & strField) If strSearchValue = "" Then Exit Function 'Build the search criteria and search 'Note that you search the underlying table or query of the subform. 'You don't search the recordset clone of the subform, as this only holds 'records matching the current main form record. Set db = dbEngine(0)(0) Set rsSubForm = db.OpenRecordset("Contacts", DB_OPEN_DYNASET) strCriteria = strField & " like " & Chr$(39) & strSearchValue & Chr$(42) & Chr$(39) Select Case strSearchValue Case "/" 'Find next If IsEmpty(OrgID) Or IsEmpty(ContID) Then Exit Function 'Use selected to Find Next before the initial Find strCriteria = strOldCriteria 'If your OrgID and ContactID fields are strings, you must have: strOldCriteria = "[OrganisationID] = " & """" & OrgID & """" & " AND [ContactID] = " & """" & ContID & """" strOldCriteria = "[OrganisationID] = " & OrgID & " AND [ContactID] = " & ContID 'First, locate where you got to last time. rsSubForm.FindFirst strOldCriteria 'Then find the next record rsSubForm.FindNext strCriteria Case "\" 'Find previous If IsEmpty(OrgID) Or IsEmpty(ContID) Then Exit Function 'Use selected to Find Next before the initial Find strCriteria = strOldCriteria strOldCriteria = "[OrganisationID] = " & OrgID & " AND [ContactID] = " & ContID 'First locate where you got to last time rsSubForm.FindFirst strOldCriteria 'Then find the previous record rsSubForm.FindPrevious strCriteria Case Else 'This is a new search. Save the criteria before searching. strOldSearchValue = strSearchValue strOldCriteria = strCriteria Set Searchfield = Screen.activecontrol rsSubForm.FindFirst strCriteria End Select 'On finding the subform record, note the value of the subform link field. 'This value will have a match on the main form. If Not rsSubForm.nomatch Then 'Save the main record primary key and subform record primary key 'This enables you to search for the next record next time round. OrgID = rsSubForm!OrganisationID ContID = rsSubForm!ContactID For i = 0 To rsSubForm.Fields.count - 1 If rsSubForm.Fields(i).Name = strLinkChild Then varLinkValue = rsSubForm.Fields(i).value Exit For End If Next 'On the main form, search for the record with the matching link field value. 'Use the bookmark property to display that record. Set rsForm = Me.recordsetclone strCriteria = strLinkMaster & " like " & Chr$(39) & varLinkValue & Chr$(42) & Chr$(39) rsForm.FindFirst strCriteria If Not rsForm.nomatch Then Me.bookmark = rsForm.bookmark '******This block is optional. Only use if you want to also highlight the subform record. 'Move focus to search field. Searchfield.SetFocus DoCmd FindRecord strOldSearchValue '*******End of optional block End If End If ExitSearchSubForm: Exit Function ErrorSearchSubForm: If Err = 3070 Then MsgBox "Check that you are on a subform field!" Else MsgBox Str$(Err) & " " & Error$ End If Resume ExitSearchSubForm End Function