***************************************************************************** Charles Kangai Blueneck Computer Training & Consulting Services 9 Chandos Road Redland Bristol UK Compuserve: 100424,1710 Internet: ckangai@blueneck.demon.co.uk ***************************************************************************** At the end of last week, I posted some code in a file called SBFRMFND.TXT. The code enables one to perform subform searches of a main form record. To my amazement, by Monday morning, British time, myfile had been accessed by 174 users of the forum. By contrast, the much more important security workaround which Microsoft posted at about the same time to close a major Access security hole had only been accessed by 37 users! Overwhelmed by this response, I have now posted a fuller version of the file, SBFRMFND.ZIP, which enables follow-up searches to find the Next and Previous record, by using "/" and "\", respectively, as the values being searched for. Instead of the "/" and "\" tokens, one can use simple menu options. Lastly, as a professional trainer and developer, I can't help pointing out to users two important points about the code: the use of IsEmpty rather than IsNull, and the use of Static to declare variables. IsEmpty is to variants as 0 is to numbers or "" is to strings. On declaring the variants OrgID and ContId variables, they are initialised as Empty. Static enables Access to remember values between executions of the procedure. Any comments can be posted to me at my Compuserve address: 100424,1710 or by fax at: 44-117-923 8172 (if outside UK) or 0117-923 8172 (if within UK)