CA-Clipper Version 5.3 Release Notes June 1995 This file contains important information about the release of CA-Clipper 5.3. This file is provided as an update to your printed CA-Clipper documentation. FLOPPY DISK INSTALLATION CA-Clipper 5.3 may be installed from within Windows or DOS. To install from within Windows, use the INSTALL.EXE on disk 1. To install from DOS, use the INSTALL.EXE on disk 5. CD-ROM INSTALLATION CA-Clipper 5.3 may be installed from within Windows or DOS. To install from within Windows, use the INSTALL.EXE in the WINDOWS directory of your CD-ROM drive. To install from DOS, use the INSTALL.EXE in the DOS directory of your CD-ROM drive. VERY IMPORTANT -- If you install a new repository over your existing one, all data in the forms, menus, and data servers will be lost. These items are stored in the "Binary Objects" module and installing a new repository will overwrite this information. In addition, the dependencies between different .PRG and header files will also be lost. Your source code itself, however, will not be effected. INSTALLING FROM WINDOWS If you are using the Windows installer and your copy of Windows is NOT installed on the same disk drive as your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (i.e., Windows is on the D: drive and your AUTOEXEC.BAT file is on the C: drive), at the end of the installation, the installer will bring up an error message. The message states, "Cannot find autoexec.bat. Would you like to create it?" Simply answer NO to this question and from the Open file dialog box that appears, locate your copy of AUTOEXEC.BAT and press OK. The installation will continue correctly from this point. INSTALLING FROM A NETWORK DRIVE If you have problems when attempting to run the installation program from a network drive, copy the contents of disk 1 to a floppy disk using XCOPY with the /S option and install from the floppy drive. Then, when prompted for the location of the other disks, enter the appropriate network drive and directory. It is important that the installation procedure run from beginning to end with no problems. Therefore, if your system locks up or suddenly exits from Windows to the DOS prompt during installation, follow the advice given above. Otherwise, you cannot be sure that CA-Clipper was installed successfully. INSTALLING FROM DOS If you have chosen the DOS install to install CA-Clipper 5.3, you must be aware that none of the files necessary to run the CA-Clipper Workbench will be installed. If you would like to run CA-Clipper under Windows using the Workbench, you must run the Windows installation from disk 1. REBOOT AFTER INSTALLATION! After CA-Clipper 5.3 has been installed, be sure to reboot your computer for all of the system's changes to take effect.