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 CA-Clipper Debugger--CLD.EXE
 Allows you to debug your source code while your executable file is running.

     CLD [[/43 | /50 | /S] [@<scriptFile>]
        <exeFile> [<argument list>]]


     If no command line arguments are specified, CLD displays a brief help

     /43 | /50 | /S specifies the screen mode used by the debugger.  These
     three options are mutually exclusive and, if more than one is specified,
     CLD.EXE uses the last one that occurs on the command line.  The default
     screen mode is 25 lines, with the debugger using the entire screen.

     /43 specifies 43-line mode and is available on EGA monitors only.

     /50 specifies 50-line mode and is available on EGA and VGA monitors

     /S is available on EGA and VGA monitors only.  This option splits
     the screen between your application and the debugger, allowing you to
     view the application and the debugger simultaneously.  On a VGA monitor
     /S uses 50-line mode, and on an EGA monitor it uses 43-line mode. In
     split screen mode, the top 25 lines of the screen are used by your
     application, and the remaining lines are used for the debugger display.

     <scriptFile> is the name of a script file with a default extension
     of (.cld).  CLD searches for the specified <scriptFile> in the current
     directory then searches the DOS PATH.  A script file is simply an ASCII
     text file containing one or more debugger commands, with each command
     appearing on a separate line.  When the debugger is invoked with a
     script file, each command in the file is executed automatically after
     the <exeFile> file is loaded.

     In addition to any script file called for on the CLD command line, the
     debugger automatically searches for a script file with the name
     Init.cld.  If a file by this name is located in the current directory or
     anywhere in the DOS PATH, the debugger executes it as a script file.  If
     both Init.cld and a command line script file are present, Init.cld is
     executed first followed by the command line script file.

     <exeFile> is the name of the executable file (.EXE) you want to
     debug.  CLD searches for the <exeFile> in the current directory only--
     the DOS PATH is not searched.  The file must include line numbers and
     debugging information.

     <argument list> is the argument list for <exeFile>.  There must be a
     space between <argument list> and <exeFile>.

 Menu Commands

     Listed below is a summary of debugger commands.

     ?|?? <exp>

     Displays the value of an expression.

     BP [[At] <lineNum> [[In] <idProgramFile>]]]
     BP [<idFunction> | <idProcedure>]

     Sets or removes a breakpoint at a specified program and line number or
     at a particular function/procedure call.

     Callstack [on | Off]

     Toggles the display of the Callstack window.

     Delete All [BP | TP | WP]
     Delete BP | TP | WP <number>

     Deletes breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints, either individually
     or as a whole.

     File DOS

     Loads a temporary copy of COMMAND.COM, allowing you to enter DOS
     commands without leaving the current application.

     File Exit

     Terminates the debugger, closes all files, and returns to DOS.

     File Open <idFileName>

     Opens the specified file for viewing in the Code window.

     File Resume

     Returns from viewing a file to the program being debugged.

     Help [Keys | Windows | Menus | Commands]

     Activates the Help window.

     List BP | TP | WP

     Lists watchpoints, tracepoints, and breakpoints.

     Locate Case

     Toggles search case-sensitivity setting.

     Locate Find <searchString>

     Searches the current file for the specified string, obeying the Locate
     Case setting.

     Locate Goto <lineNum>

     Moves the cursor to a specified line in the Code window.

     Locate Next

     Locates the next occurrence of the string specified by the last Locate
     Find command, obeying the Locate Case setting.

     Locate Previous

     Locates the previous occurrence of the string specified by the last
     Locate Find command, obeying the Locate Case setting.

     Monitor All

     Toggles the display of variables of all storage classes in the Monitor

     Monitor Local

     Toggles the display of local variables in the Monitor window.

     Monitor Private

     Toggles the display of private variables in the Monitor window.

     Monitor Public

     Toggles the display of public variables in the Monitor window.

     Monitor Sort

     Controls the order in which variables are displayed in the Monitor

     Monitor Static

     Toggles the display of static variables in the Monitor window.

     Num [On | off]

     Toggles the display of line numbers at the beginning of each line in the
     Code window.

     Options Codeblock

     Controls the tracing of code blocks during single step mode.

     Options Color

     Opens the Set Colors window.

     Options Exchange

     Controls the display of program output while in animate mode.

     Options Line

     Toggles the display of line numbers at the beginning of each line in the
     Code window.

     Options Menu

     Toggles the debugger menu bar display.

     Options Mono

     Switches the debugger display mode between color and monochrome.

     Options Path <idPathList>

     Defines the search path for source files.

     Options Preprocessed

     Toggles the display of preprocessed code in the Code window.

     Options Restore <idScriptFile>

     Reads commands from a script file.

     Options Save <idScriptFile>

     Saves the current debugger settings to a script file.

     Options Swap

     Controls the display of the application screen when input is required.

     Options Tab <tabSize>

     Sets the tab size for the Code window.

     Point Breakpoint

     Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current cursor position.

     Point Delete <number>

     Deletes a tracepoint or watchpoint setting.

     Point Tracepoint <exp>

     Specifies an expression as a tracepoint.

     Point Watchpoint <exp>

     Specifies an expression as a watchpoint.

     Run Animate

     Executes the application in animate mode.

     Run Go

     Executes the application in run mode.

     Run Next

     Executes the application until line zero of the next activation is
     encountered.  This is equivalent to creating a tracepoint of "PROCLINE()
     = 0".

     Run Restart

     Reloads the current application in preparation for reexecution.

     Run Speed <delay>

     Sets the step delay for animate mode.

     Run Step

     Executes the current program in single step mode.

     Run To

     Executes the current program up to the current cursor position.

     Run Trace

     Executes the current program in trace mode.

     View <idFileName>

     Opens the specified file for viewing in the Code window.

     View App

     Displays program output.

     View Callstack

     Toggles the display of the Callstack window.

     View Sets

     Displays the View Sets window.

     View Workareas

     Displays the View Workareas window.

     Window Iconize

     Toggles the active debugger window between icon and window display

     Window Move

     Moves the active debugger window.

     Window Next

     Selects the next debugger window.

     Window Prev

     Selects the previous debugger window.

     Window Size

     Changes the size of the active debugger window.

     Window Tile

     Restores the debugger windows to their default size and location.

     Window Zoom

     Toggles the active debugger window between window and full-screen
     display modes.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson