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 Place a parameter in an EVALINFO structure
 C Prototype

     #include "item.api"
     BOOL _evalPutParam(
                         EVALINFOP evalInfoP,
                         ITEM itmParam


     evalInfoP is the structure in which to add the parameter.

     itmParam is the parameter to add to the structure.


     TRUE if the operation was successful.


     The _evalPutParam() function allows you to place parameters in an
     EVALINFO structure one at a time.  Parameters are placed in the order
     that they are passed (i.e., the first call to _evalPutParam() places the
     first parameter, the second call places the second parameter, and so

     Note:  If a particular evaluation does not require parameters, there
     is no need to call this function at all, simply call _evalNew() and then

     Warning!  Parameters in an EVALINFO structure should not be released
     (via _itemRelease() or _evalRelease()) until the evaluation is performed
     or the EVALINFO structure is no longer needed.


     * USERDO()
     * --------

     CLIPPER userDO( void )
        EVALINFO info;
        USHORT   uiParam;
        ITEM     retP;

        /* Get evaluation expression */

        if ( PCOUNT < 1 )
           _evalNew( &info, _itemParam( 1 ) );

        /* Get parameters */

        for ( uiParam=2; uiParam <= PCOUNT; uiParam++ )
           _evalPutParam( &info, _itemParam(uiParam) );

        /* Launch evaluation information */

        retP = _evalLaunch( &info );

        /* Release ITEMs associated w/eval info */

        _evalRelease( &info );

        _itemReturn ( retP );
        _itemRelease( retP );


 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Item.api.

See Also: _evalLaunch() _evalNew() _evalRelease() _itemRelease()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson