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     width                                             (Assignable)

        Contains a numeric value that defines the display width for the
        column.  If TBColumn:width is not explicitly set, the width of the
        column will be the greater of the length of the heading, the length
        of the footing, or the length of the data at the first evaluation of

        If this instance variable is explicitly set, the width of the column
        will be TBColumn:width.  Displayed headings, footings, and data will
        all be truncated to this width when necessary.  The width of the
        displayed data will be the length at the first evaluation of
        TBColumn:block for all data types other than character.  Character
        data will be extended to TBColumn:width for display purposes.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson