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     defColor                                       (Assignable)

        Contains an array of four numeric values used as indexes into the
        color table in the TBrowse object.  The first value determines the
        unselected color which displays data values when the browse cursor is
        not on the data value being displayed.  The second value determines
        the selected color.  The selected color displays the current browse
        cell.  The third color displays the heading.  The fourth color
        displays the footing.

        The default value for TBColumn:defColor is {1, 2, 1, 1}.  This causes
        the first two colors in the TBrowse color table to be used for
        unselected and selected, respectively.  Note that colors set using
        TBColumn:colorBlock override those set by TBColumn:defColor.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson