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     bitmaps                                    (Assignable)

        Contains an array of exactly two elements.  The first element of this
        array is the file name of the bitmap to be displayed when the radio
        button is selected.  The second element of this array is the file
        name of the bitmap to be displayed when the radio button is not

        Drive and directory names are not allowed; the file name extension is
        required.  A bitmap file can be stored as a file on disk or in a
        bitmap library.  If stored as a file, the file must reside in the
        same directory as the application.  If stored in a bitmap library,
        the library must reside in the same directory as the application and
        it also must have the same name as the application with a .BML

        CA-Clipper will search for the file name first and, if it is not
        found, search in the bitmap library second.  If no file is found
        either on disk or in the library, no bitmap will be displayed.

        If this instance variable is not used, and the application is running
        in graphic mode, the files RADIO_F.BMU and RADIO_E.BMU will be used
        for the selected bitmap and unselected bitmap, respectively.

        This instance variable only affects applications running in graphic
        mode and is ignored in text mode.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson