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     caption                                        (Assignable)

        Contains either a text string that concisely describes the menu
        option or a menu separator specifier.  MenuItem:caption is the text
        that appears in the actual menu.

        A menu separator is a horizontal line in a pop-up menu that separates
        menu items into logical groups.  Use the constant MENU_SEPARATOR in
        Button.ch to assign the menu separator specifier to MenuItem:caption.

        When present, the & character specifies that the character
        immediately following it in the caption is the menu item's
        accelerator key.  The accelerator key provides a quick and convenient
        mechanism for the user to select a menu item when the menu that it is
        contained within has input focus.  When the menu is a member of a
        TopBarMenu object, the user selects the menu item by pressing the Alt
        key in combination with the accelerator key.  When the menu is a
        member of a PopUpMenu object, the user selects the menu item by
        simply pressing the accelerator key.  The accelerator key is not case

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson