Readme for Symantec Visual Cafe Professional Edition v3.0a

Copyright © 1999 by Symantec Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Visual Cafe is a trademark of Symantec Corporation. Other brands and their products are trademarks of their respective holders.

Table of Contents:
I. Welcome
II. Installation Notes
III. User Tips
IV. Known Problems and Caveats
V. Questions and Answers
VI. Native Java
VII. Swing
VIII. Deployment and Jar Tools
IX. Documentation corrections
X. Revision History
XI. Contacting Symantec for Technical Support

I. Welcome

Welcome to Symantec Visual Cafe Version 3.0a for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. Please take a few minutes to read this file which contains the latest information regarding this release.

II. Installation Notes

Run Setup.exe. The installation is smooth and intuitive. As with any new software, please install Visual Cafe in a clean directory.


If you are using the FAT16 file system in Windows 95/98, the total installed size of Visual Cafe is significantly affected by the cluster size of the hard drive partition used. The total installed size will be substantially larger for drive partitions with 32k clusters (1-2GB drives) than for drive partitions with 16k (513MB-1GB) or 8k (257-512MB) cluster sizes.

Note: If you do NOT have ODBC installed on your system, you will see an error message that ODBC32.dll could not be found at the end of installation (after installation of the native runtime). This DLL is not actually needed by installation; simply dismiss this error dialog and ignore it.

In order to run any of your JDK 1.1.x applets in the Netscape browser, we recommend Netscape Navigator 4.5 or Netscape Navigator version 4.04 PLUS the JDK 1.1 Smart Update for version 4.04 available from Netscape at

Installing and Running the Tour
If you are new to Java development, please take the time to work through the exciting and informative tour that is part of Visual Cafe. This tour will provide you with an overview of some of Visual Cafe's most powerful features.

What is in the Tour?
In the Tour you will learn how to:

To run the Tour:
The Getting Started manual contains instructions for setting up and stepping through the Tour. Open the book and follow the Tour instructions
Launch the Tour Book from the Symantec Visual Cafe Start menu, and follow the Tour instructions. You need to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed in order to read the Tour Book.



III. User Tips

This section lists user tips in the following areas:
Debugging applets in Microsoft's Internet Explorer
Debugging applets in Netscape Navigator
Debugging with a pluggable VM
Enhanced Pluggable VM Debugging Support for 3.0a
JFC Documentation
Migrating projects from previous versions of Visual Cafe
Running applets in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Version Control
Visual Cafe Open API

Debugging applets in Microsoft's Internet Explorer
The Microsoft browser does not support JNI, the native code required by Sun's JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Microsoft has its own version of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge, which can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft SDK for Java from their website.

Debugging applets in Netscape Navigator
Visual Cafe supports Netscape Navigator version 4.5 which ships with Visual Cafe. You can download Netscape Navigator 4.5 from

Occasionally applets may fail to execute when run in Netscape Navigator 4.5. Applets should run if executed a second time while a browser window is already open.

Netscape will issue some security violation exceptions when you attempt to execute or debug applets from within Visual Cafe. To avoid this security constraint, please add the following options to your prefs.js file:

user_pref("unsigned.applets.low_security_for_local_classes", true);
user_pref("signed.applets.local_classes_have_30_powers", true);
user_pref("signed.applets.low_security_for_local_classes", true);
user_pref("signed.applets.verbose_security_exception", true);

1. This file states that it should not be edited by hand. In order to add entries to this file, you must first close all running instances of the Netscape Navigator. You may then edit the file manually.

2. You will see a message in the Java console, "# Security Exception: checkpropsaccess.key". This message can be ignored.

3. Most security errors can be avoided by publishing the applet to a web server.

For more information on Netscape security please refer to the following URLs:

Debugging with a pluggable VM
3.0a includes support for the debugger to automatically debug with the Pluggable VM you have set instead of using remote debugging. If you have a Pluggable VM set already, you must set the Pluggable VM page to the default VM, then switch back to your Pluggable VM to make this work.
Note:You must still manually add the wrapper classes to tools.jar when debugging with jdk1.2. However, in the Online Help topic "Debugging/JDK1.2", only steps 1 and 2 are now required.

Enhanced Pluggable VM Debugging Support for 3.0a
When debugging code in VisualCafe 3.0 using a Pluggable VM, you had to manually start the VM and use remote debugging. In 3.0a, you no longer have to start the VM manually or run a remote debugging session. You may now start debugging using the same commands as the default VM. However, you still need to configure your Pluggable VM before running standard debug sessions. The following checklists review the steps necessary to configure various Pluggable VMs.

Java 2 Platform (JDK 1.2):
1. To execute and debug applets, you need to set permission in the security file <JDK1.2>\jre\lib\security\java.policy. Inside the grant() block, add these two lines:

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread"; 
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup"; 

2. Unzip the classes in:

<VisualCafe>\java\lib\Wrappers\ Insert them into the JAR file <JDK1.2>\lib\tools.jar. 

3. If you haven't setup a JDK1.2 VM profile in VCafe, go to Tools->Environment Options->Virtual Machines to set one up. See the online Help Topic "Virtual Machines Tab" for more information.

4. In the JDK1.2 VM profile make sure that add these files to the front of the "Compiler classpath" and "Claspath (VM Executable)" entries:


5. Press <F5> or Select Project->Run in Debugger as you normally would to start debugging.

JDK 1.1.5 - 1.1.6 - 1.1.7
1. If you haven't setup a JDK1.1.x VM profile in VCafe, go to Tools->Environment Options->Virtual Machines to set one up. See the online Help Topic "Virtual Machines Tab" for more information.

2. In the JDK1.1 VM profile make sure to add these files to the front of the "Compiler classpath" and "Claspath (VM Executable)"

<VisualCafe>\java\lib\Wrappers\; <JDK1.1.X>\lib\ 

3. Press <F5> or Select Project->Run in Debugger as you normally would to start debugging.

JDK 1.0.2
Visual Cafe 3.0x does not have support for debugging in JDK1.0.2. Although you can compile. Please use Visual Cafe 1.0x for full JDK 1.0.2 support.

Other Sun JDKs
If there are no debugging wrapper classes for a JDK, there might be strange behavior. For example, you can start a debug session
with JDK 1.1.4, but some breakpoints might not get hit.

JFC Documentation
Sun's JFC documentation is located in the \VisualCafe\Documentation\JFC directory.

Migrating projects from previous versions of Visual Cafe
When migrating projects from previous versions of Visual Cafe, it is recommended that you create a backup of the project source files before performing the migration. Such a backup will be valuable if manually added code is modified within the tagged sections that is not in keeping with Visual Cafe's code generation format.

Running applets in Microsoft Internet Explorer
If you encounter problems running applets in Internet Explorer, please install the java plug-in from Sun available at: This will ensure that Internet Explorer is running with the latest VM from Sun. If you continue to encounter problems, expand symbeans.jar to your \windows\java\classes directory using a third party unzip utility. Symbaens.jar is located in the <visualcafe>\bin\components directory.

Visual Cafe uses the CLASSPATH from the sc.ini file in the <"VCafe">\Bin directory. The CLASSPATH in sc.ini, by default, does not contain the environment classpath (e.g.,%CLASSPATH%). Existing projects relying on the Windows environment classpath setting may fail to build. To correct this, you may either add the package directories manually to the sc.ini classpath, add the package directories to the project in project/options/directories, or add the %CLASSPATH% variable to the end of the classpath line in the sc.ini file.

Version Control
When a project has been checked in and the .vep file marked read-only, remember that if files are added, removed, or renamed or if project option changes are made, you will be unable to save them unless File | Save As... is used. Checking out the .vep file through Visual Cafe to mark it read-write will result in a merge of the .vep file overriding the local changes. Make sure that the .vep file is checked out before making any changes to ensure that your changes can be checked in.

When using version control with SourceSafe, the Visual Cafe project root is by default where the .vep file is stored on your hard drive. All project files added to SourceSafe must be in that directory or in a subdirectory of that directory or SourceSafe will generate errors since it can not map the files. Currently it is not possible to change this root directory in Visual Cafe.


Visual Cafe Open API
The Visual Cafe 3.0a Open API now supports both C++ and Java interfaces for writing plug-ins and integrating with the environment. Many vendors have implemented integrations using the Visual Cafe open API. Check the Symantec Tools & Solutions CD and Catalog for more information on integrated solutions. Visit our website at for the latest information on integrated solutions and also to download the Open API SDK.

JITspeed is a special version of the Visual Cafe JIT that has been enhanced to work with Netscape 4.x. Visit our website at for more information about enhancing Netscape's Java performance with JITspeed.



IV. Known Problems and Caveats

This section lists information about known problems in the following areas:
Class Browser
Debugging with an older
Environment Options dialog when running 640x480
Errors when starting Visual Cafe
Java Beans
Javadoc Editor
JDK Version incompatibilities
JTable or JList in a JScrollPane
Known Online Help issues
Large JAR files and the component library
Lightweight component behavior between JDK 1.1 and 1.1.7
Memory Warnings
Parse All Imports option
ResourceBundle/Localization Feature
Stepping over a statement in a try block
Using Visual Cafe on 256 colors displays
Z-order of heavyweight components

Please see Native Java, Swing, and Deployment and JAR Tools sections for known problems in these areas.

Professional and Database Editions only:
Breakpoint set in code for a timer event
Classes with methods that use array arguments
Incorrect Line-number info
Incremental Debugging
Stepping out of event handler code in Netscape
Terminating Remote Debugging Sessions
Unavailable source files when debugging in Web browsers
Using the Visual Cafe debugger against a non-Symantec VM

In order to implement the flipping of cards using Swing, you will need to code this manually. With AWT, this can be done using interactions. Please see page 7-42 of the User's Guide for additional information.

When converting a 1.0 project that used a card layout with unnamed cards, backparsing will fail. To work around this, you must manually edit the add()statements for those cards without names. It is important to note that JDK 1.1 has disallowed unnamed cards in a card layout; the same code would also fail at runtime in a JDK1.1 VM.

Class Browser
If the source files are not compilable, the Class Browser may behave unpredictably. Please compile the source files before using the Class browser to avoid this behavior.

Classes with methods that use array arguments
Visual Cafe may not interpret methods with array arguments correctly when the classes containing those methods are in the Component Library. This appears in various ways. For example:

Debugging with an older
If an older from a previous version of Visual Cafe is added to you project classpath (Project | Options - Directories tab | Show directories for: Input class files), Visual Cafe will crash when the project is run in the Debugger.

Environment Options dialog when running 640x480
When first opened, the <OK>,<Cancel>,<Apply> and <Help> buttons of the Environment Options dialog bleed off the bottom of the display. To access these buttons, grab the titlebar and move the dialog upward.

Errors when starting Visual Cafe
A corrupt project may result in Visual Cafe refusing to launch or crashing upon launch if the On Startup option in the Tools | Environment Options dialog - General tab is set to: "Open the last project." This can
be avoided by double clicking a .java file to launch Visual Cafe without opening the last project. If you determine that the project is corrupt, it can be rebuilt using the Empty Project template. Please see page
3-25 in the User's Guide for instructions on working with Empty Projects.

If you encounter certain errors when starting Visual Cafe or if your Component Palette appears empty, delete the following files from \VisualCafe(SE|PE|DE)\Bin:


You can also use "vcafe - clean" at the command line to delete these files and then launch Visual Cafe

Note: Some of the errors are:

"No starter templates could be found"
"Cannot open local repository"
"Cannot open registry"

These files are platform-dependent and must be regenerated when switching from one operating system or to another machine.

Java Beans
When a Bean has multiple types of event listeners that implement event types having the same name, Visual Cafe will generate code to handle that event type only for the first listener. If you select that event type for the second event listener, it generates the code for using that event type from the first listener.

Visual Cafe uses the code generation model. If a Bean has a property editor, the method PropertyEditor.getJavaIntializationString() must be properly implemented.

Custom properties: All custom properties must be serializable; otherwise Visual Cafe cannot initialize the state of the Bean.

If a custom bean has been placed in a Component Palette tab, and AutoJAR is used to update the bean, the bean is deleted from the tab. You can avoid this by adding a toolbar value to the beaninfo such as the following:


where BeanDescriptorVname is the name of your bean descriptor variable and ToolbarPaletteTabName is the name of the Toolbar Palette tab where the bean is displayed.

Changing the package of a project Bean after it has been added to a form will not change the class property and will cause code generation problems when it is used.

Javadoc Editor
Placement of Javadoc comments on variables that are inside the DECLARE_CONTROLS block will be removed upon code regeneration and is not supported.

If the Javadoc Editor is open and you're working in MDI mode, switching to another view by right clicking a file name in the project window will only work if the project window is not docked.

If the source files are not compilable, the Javadoc Editor may behave unpredictably. Please compile the source files before using the Javadoc Editor to avoid this behavior.

If you have throws clauses containing external classes, you may not get these classes listed in the Exceptions window in the Javadoc Editor. To workaround this problem, enter @exception <ClassName> in the javadoc comment.

Avoid trying to use the Javadoc Editor to add Javadoc comments to the code in the form of:

private int var1, var2;

instead, please use:

private int var1;
private int var2;

Otherwise the Javadoc Editor produces unpredictable results. The Javadoc utilities will only see the Javadoc comment directly above the definition and generate the same html text for both the var1 and the var2 sections. There is no way to provide separate text for each variable unless the definitions are on separate lines.

JDK Version incompatibilities
Symantec Visual Cafe 3.0a supports version 1.1.7a of the Java Development Kit from Sun Microsystems.
Please see for information regarding specific OS incompatibilities with the JDK.

JMaskedText and MaskedTextField
Numeric masks in the masked fields can be forced to accept non-numeric inputs by using copy and paste.
The method isdatacomplete() in JMaskedTextField and MaskedTextField always returns a value of true although no changes were made to the component.

JSplitPane is not supported visually in this release of Visual Cafe.

JTable or JList in a JScrollPane
A JTable or JList in a JScrollPane will not scroll automatically when an item out of the current viewable area is selected.

Known Online Help issues
Pressing F1 help on some properties may not bring up the help for that property. If you want to view the help for the property, use the Contents Tab in the Online Help by selecting Help Topics from the Help menu. You may also search for the item in help by using the Index or Find tabs in the Online Help.

Large JAR files and the component library
Under Windows 95 it is best to drop larger JAR files one at a time into the Component Library window. This is a problem with the Java VM under Windows 95, and we expect it to be resolved in version 1.2 of the Java VM.

Lightweight component behavior between JDK 1.1 and 1.1.7
Between JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.1.7, behavior of lightweight components has changed in many ways (primarily to fix problems in the initial implementation). If you run your program in an environment with an implementation of lightweight components that is earlier than the implementation in JDK 1.1.7, behavior of the lightweight components may vary.

When editing a a Macro in the source editor, if the argument for VisualCafeCommand.sendKeys('') is a double byte character, then the macro can only paste the second byte.

Memory Warnings

"Out of Virtual Memory" warnings
If you encounter an "Out of Virtual Memory" warning under Windows NT with 128 MB or more of RAM, you may have come across a reported NT bug. The symptoms are a sudden jump in the "Mem Usage" graph in the Performance tab in the Windows NT TaskManager. A sudden memory allocation of 100 MB or more can occur and is not returned unless the system is rebooted.
To prevent this error, change the paging file size settings in Settings | Control Panel | System | Performance to the same or greater size as the amount of physical RAM in the machine. Choosing the Recommended Paging File size is also a safe choice.

Low-memory warning on startup
If the sum of your system's available physical memory (RAM) and swap space on disk is below a minimal level when Visual Cafe starts up, a warning dialog will notify you of this condition. It advises you to increase swap space (see below). You have the option of ignoring this warning (answer "No" to the "Quit?" prompt), and proceeding to run Visual Cafe with low memory resources. With light use, you may not experience any problems at all. But with typical use, at some time in the course of your Visual Cafe session you may begin to see "low virtual memory" warnings from the operating system. Typical symptoms of running any complex application with too little available memory are sluggish performance and unstable system behavior.

If the warning dialog recommends that you increase swap space by some small amount, such as 2 or 3 MB, increase the minimum swap space on Windows NT or free disk space on Windows 95/98 by at least 5 MB.

For Windows 95/98, if the option is selected to let the OS manage swap space (default setting) in Settings | Control Panel | System | Performance | Virtual Memory, then available swap space is simply the amount of free disk space; but note that there is no guaranteed minimum: if the disk is full, there is no swap space available.

For Windows NT 4.0, choose Settings | Control Panel | System | Performance and click the Change button. The page file setting that matters most to an application under NT is the initial page size setting. On a system with 32 MB RAM, the initial swap space should be not less than 20 MB, and 32 MB is better. A reasonable setting for the maximum is at least twice the initial size.

For further details about virtual memory, see the OS Help in the System dialog box.

Parse All Imports option
When using the Parse All Imports option, allow the parser to finish parsing before editing or changing a file. To view the status of the parser, select Messages from the Visual Cafe View menu.

ResourceBundle/Localization Features
For best results use the procedures below.

Turning on Resource Bundling/Localization:
1. Have the project in a compilable state.
2. Make a backup.
3. Resource Bundle your project near the end of the development cycle.
4. Use the Tools | Localization | Resource Bundle Strings... dialog to turn on these features.

Turning off Resource Bundling/Localization:
1. Remove any extra locales through the Tools | Localization | Delete Locale... dialog.
2. Open the Project Options, and uncheck Localize Generated Code.
3. Revert any still localized strings by hand, and remove the resource bundle initialization strings from the files.
4. Delete any remaining Resource Bundle files from the project.

Hints and Tips:

Stepping over a statement in a try block while debugging
In some cases, stepping over a statement in a try block that triggers an exception will cause the program to terminate. To get around this, set a breakpoint in your catch block. This breakpoint will get hit and you can continue to debug.

TextArea AWT component
Adding more than 20KB of text to the TextArea component can cause unexpected behavior or a crash.

Using Visual Cafe on 256 colors displays
If you are using a color scheme other than the default Windows scheme on a 256 color display, the Form Designer and some dialogs may display colors differently.

Z-order of heavyweight components
Z-order of heavyweight java.awt components is undefined in JDK 1.1.7. As of this writing, the current JDK 1.1 versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape both use the same z-order. However, this may not be true in future versions of either Web browser or of other Java execution environments.



Professional and Database Editions only:

Breakpoint set in code for a timer_event
Netscape can crash if a breakpoint set in code for a timer_event is hit while debugging.

Incorrect Line-number info
When debugging in Netscape or Internet Explorer, stepping into code for components will use the browsers' VM. Line-number info will be incorrect, thus the code displayed will not be correct.

Incremental Debugging
Changes made to static variables require a restart of the application or applet before they take effect. Similarly, changes made to methods in the active call chain require a restart of the method before they can take effect. In both cases a dialog presents you with this choice.

When using incremental debugging, changes made do not take effect until the next time the modified method is called. This means if you modify a method that runs only once during the execution of your applet or application (e.g. init for an applet, run for a thread, a constructor for an already loaded class, etc.) AND that method has been executed, then you need to restart the applet or application. The debugger does not always detect this case and you may not get a prompt to restart. Also, if you modify static initializations, then you need to restart the app as static initialization is done once the class is loaded. The environment does detect this case and presents the user with the appropriate prompt.

See the Online Help or User's Guide for more features and expected behavior using incremental debugging.

Stepping out of event handler code in Netscape
Stepping out of an event handler while debugging in Netscape eventually leads to a crash in the browser. Continuing to step out of the event handler causes you to end up in the file of Netscape's runtime. If you end up in Netscape's runtime while stepping out of an event handler (this will be obvious when the source no longer matches), select Debug | Continue from Visual Cafe's menu or click the Run in Debugger button in the Debug toolbar to resume execution.

Terminating Remote Debugging Sessions
The debug VM (either debugvm or javaw_g) will not terminate automatically at the end of a remote debug session when the following conditions exist:

You can manually close the debug VM by pressing Ctrl-C in the console window on the machine where the debug VM was started. You can also use the Task Manager to terminate the debug VM. Remote sessions which are not paused in the remote VM will be terminated successfully.

Unavailable source files when debugging in Web browsers
Occasionally, when debugging in Web browsers, actions may lead to an attempt to open source files which are not available. In such cases, simply dismiss the Open File dialog box and continue debugging by choosing Debug | Continue or the Run in Debugger button in the Debug toolbar to resume execution.

Using the Visual Cafe debugger against a non-Symantec VM
There are certain features and commands in the Visual Cafe debugger that require a Symantec modified VM order to work properly. These features are:

1. Pausing the app in the debugger while it is executing via the Debug | Pause command.

2. Expression Evaluation. This includes the following:

  1. Data Tips
  2. Evaluate Expression command in source window
  3. Conditional breakpoints
  4. Typing in values in the Watch window
  5. Modifying variable values in the Variables window

3. Incremental debugging, including the Debug | Update Now command and modifying a file and saving it to invoke the patch mechanism in the debugger.

4. Method restarting. This is the ability to pop out of a method to "restart it". This includes the Debug | Restart Method menu item.

5. Decompiling support. When using a decompiler to see source code for classes that do not have debug info, you must be debugging in Visual Cafe using a Symantec modified VM with the appropriate Redefine class support added.

If you are in a situation in Visual Cafe where you are debugging your classes inside a VM that has not been modified by Symantec, then the above commands and features may or may not work. In some cases, the UI does grey out the appropriate menu items, but does not for all cases. Circumstances when debugging inside a VM that does not support the above commands and features include:

1. In the Virtual Machines tab of the Environment Options you specify a non-symantec VM (like JDK1.2 etc.) and use this VM in Visual Cafe.

2. You invoke the "debug in waiting VM" command and attach to a VM that is a non-symantec VM (like a VM on unix or a JDK1.2 VM etc.).

In general, it is best to avoid the above features and commands when you are debugging in a non-symantec VM.



V. Questions and Answers

Q: The text editor doesn't seem to work the way it used to. What's going on?

A: The key mappings for the text editor for Visual Cafe 3.0a have been updated to match many other common Windows editors. To get the familiar key mappings from earlier versions of Visual Cafe, go to the Keyboard tab of the Environment Options dialog and select "vcafe2" from the File drop-down list.

Q: When I open a project in the Form Designer, the dialog for Dial Up Networking appears. If I log on, all is well. If I cancel, Visual Cafe "hangs" for several minutes.

A: The use of relative URLs (for example, IMAGES/test.gif) can cause this behavior on some systems. To avoid it, use absolute URLs (for example, file://C:/.../PROJECT/IMAGES/test.gif) during design time and then switch to relative URLs for deployment.

Q: I would like to distribute my applications created with Visual Cafe along with the Symantec Virtual Machine. Do I need to obtain a license to distribute the Symantec JIT/JVM?

A: The Symantec JIT and JVM included with Visual Cafe are not redistributable. JavaSoft has licensed the Symantec JIT for redistribution in the JRE. The JRE is Sun's Java Runtime Environment and is freely redistributable. Please visit for more specific information regarding the JavaSoft JRE.



VI. Native Java (PE and DE only)

GEO Emblaze
GEO Emblaze components are not supported in Native Applications in this release of Visual Cafe.

Native compiler
When using third party classes (and components) in a native code compiled project, you must do one of the following two tasks:

Native compiler and Visual Cafe 1.x and Cafe 1.x
If the sj.exe from Visual Cafe 1.x or Cafe 1.x is specified in the Windows system path before Visual Cafe 3.0a, an invalid flag error -link will result when using the native compiler. To avoid this error, make sure that the sj.exe from Visual Cafe 3.0a is specified in the path first.

Win32 Swing Applications
To make a Win32 Swing application, please follow these steps:
1. Choose File | New Project | JFC Application.
2. Choose the Project tab in Project | Options and change the Project Type to Win32 Application.



VII. Swing

Swing Version
Swing version 1.0.3 is included in Visual Cafe 3.0a. This version is required for GUI building within the Visual Cafe environment and we do not recommend replacing swingall.jar. We hope to remove this requirement in future releases.

If you set the DebugGraphicsOption to FLASH_OPTION on JFC components it will cause Visual Cafe to act unpredictably since it puts threads to sleep in the internal VM used by Visual Cafe.



VIII. Deployment and JAR Tools
For 2.1 and 2.5 users




IX. Documentation Corrections

Capitalization of automatically generated names printed in the book may differ slightly from names that are currently generated by Visual Cafe.

Before running the weblog project sample in Visual Cafe, place the Klg.jar file located in the \VisualCafe\Sourcebook\Weblog directory in the component library. If the weblog project is to be run from the command line, Klg.jar must be placed in the system CLASSPATH.

User's Guide
Page 4-62 of the Users Guide's states: "Or, if you've used the Javadoc Editor at least once, in the Files view of the Project window, right-click a file and choose Edit Javadoc Comments."
The correct wording should be: "Or, you can right-click a file and choose Edit Javadoc Comments."

All Books
The icons that appear in the New Project dialog and the project templates in the Component Library are different in the shipping product than in the documentation.



X. Revision History

Initial release


  1. Provided a means of opening Visual Cafe 2.5x projects in 3.0x with RAD disabled. (68928)
  2. Resolved Packages view expanding in the Project window when closing an edited source file (66338)
  3. Resolved slow refresh of the Files view of the Project window. (68991)
  4. Enhanced Plug-in and debugging support in JDK 1.2. (69381)
  5. Resolved scrollbar thumb in the Packages tab of the Project window returning to the top when focus was returned to the Project window after editing the source. (54096)
  6. Resolved Javadoc Editor failure when JavDoc comment included a lone double-quote character. (69265)
  7. Added auto-detection functionality to the SYMJDK debugger classes for debugging in JDK 1.2. (69495)
  8. Added Swing support for Native projects.
  9. Added simultaneous project execution functionality.
  10. Added ability to source control allowing multiline comments. (68892)
  11. Added alert dialog and ability to cancel the loading of projects that require rebuilding of the repository. (69006)
  12. Resolved syntax checker reporting incorrect errors when used with pluggable VMs. (69225)
  13. Resolved crash between the Java Code Helper and source control. (69224)
  14. Resolved crash compiling program that uses OROMatcher. (69061)
  15. Resolved incorrect image path Javadoc generation. (69679)
  16. Resolved bug involving the Java Code Helper not appearing for conditional. (69328)
  17. Resolved combo listing of available objects being too short for large connections in the Interaction Wizard. (69356)
  18. Resolved bug in the Java Code Helper where the addition of an argument to an exception constructor caused a crash. (69558)
  19. Resolved unnecessary code generation when updating project beans. (69588)
  20. Resolved Javadoc EditorÆs Auto-switching interfering with userÆs selection. (69642)
  21. Resolved Insert Class generating source without line feeds. (69682)
  22. Resolved Javadoc Editor not showing a returns text area for some methods. (69745)
  23. Resolved Java Code Helper not recognizing implicit import of current package given two classes in a project both in the same package. (69813)
  24. Resolved javac deprecated warnings being reported as errors by the build system. (69683)
  25. Resolved non-destructive code generation failure for AWT Choice. (69088)
  26. Added Javadoc to javax.servlet. (67574)
  27. Added "-clean" command line option to vcafe.exe that deletes the *.vws, *.reg, and *.rps files from the \VisualCafe\bin directory
  28. Added Exclude deprecated information option to Project | Options - Compiler - Compiler Category - Javadoc (68919)
  29. Added Compact class files option to Project | Options - Compiler - General (Removes line number information). (68920)
  30. Added warning level combo box to Project | Options - Compiler - General to select warning level. (68921)
  31. Changed setVisible to true when a PluginFrame is minimized in New Plugin Views Framework. (66898)
  32. Changed source file generated by the Servlet Wizard to be automatically opened by the editor upon project creation. (68519)
  33. Fixed Alt+L not checking the Localize Generated Code check box in the Project | Options - Project tab. (67613)
  34. Fixed memory leak when executing macros. (67010)
  35. Resolved application lock when deleting a local class that is open the Class Browser. (68765)
  36. Resolved application lock for Win32 AWT applications containing NervousText & ScrollingText components when trying to step through while debugging. (68478)
  37. Resolved crash selecting event\method in the Source Navigator. (69382)
  38. Resolved crash when closing or opening the Form Designer after reintrospecting a recently deleted group from the Component Library. (55904)
  39. Resolved crash when deleting text in the "Property name" text field in the Class Wizard after navigating back and changing the Extends class. (68562)
  40. Resolved crash adding a locale after deleting a component with an interaction. (69341)
  41. Resolved crash when the active project is closed from a Plug-in window. (69641)
  42. Resolved crash creating bean with an invalid package name. (69693)
  43. Resolved crash due to a race condition while selecting an object in source navigator if the background parse thread is working. (68931)
  44. Resolved crash when using Insert | Class with Version Control (69195)
  45. Resolved crash when using the Select All command in an empty applet. (68764)
  46. Resolved crash when collapsing and then expanding a Component Library group using keyboard equivalents after an item in the group was selected. (68631)
  47. Resolved crash for reintrospection and closing/opening form designer. (55904)
  48. Resolved crash when debugging and stepping through file w/1,500 variables. (45349)
  49. Resolved crash when opening files by double-clicking on them in the Packages tab of the Project window. (69172)
  50. Resolved crash when deleting a block of source code in the Source window for files under SourceSafe control. (68996)
  51. Resolved crash when creating an interaction to change the model used by a JChart. (68741)
  52. Resolved crash upon reintrospection after deleting a group from the Component Library. and closing the Form Editor. (55904)
  53. Resolved error when stepping over code caused by a watch variable that "can not be evaluated." (54966)
  54. Resolved Javadoc Editor not recognizing changes to the source file after creating a new method and saving and/or compiling. (60044)
  55. Resolved page property not appearing in the Property List for JEditorPane. (60047)
  56. Resolved Backrunner failure causing RAD to fail when source is added to JFC Frame containing 3 JPanels. (61343)
  57. Resolved VM hang when a second machine attempts attachment to debug (56488)
  58. Resolved mouse cursor not changing properly when moving from the border of a frame to a panel inside the frame for Plug-in Views. (66897)
  59. Resolved filename not appearing in File field of the Project | Options - Deployment tab when switching from a Directory deploy to either .jar or .zip deploy type. (68328)
  60. Resolved Servlet Wizard not placing Java files in the requested package. (68353)
  61. Resolved Interaction parser not parsing stringTableModel.setItems() method call. (68497)
  62. Resolved Java Code Helper not correctly handling anonymous local classes. (68502)
  63. Resolved Native Debugger running programs to completion when stepping after hitting a conditional breakpoint. (68535)
  64. Resolved Debug | Stop not terminating debugvm on remote machine when paused in debugger. (68550)
  65. Resolved files under version control and checked in not being editable with the Javadoc Editor. (68558)
  66. Resolved object name not being displayed in the Interaction Wizard summary page who's member is called in an interaction. (68658)
  67. Resolved Javadoc Editor not retaining pasted content from outside application when focus was lost and then returned to VCafe. (68704)
  68. Resolved Javadoc editor throwing a nullPointerException when clicking on a method that throws a class that was not yet declared. (68716)
  69. Resolved Class Wizard modality issue which could lead to multiple inheritance and code that would not compile (68738)
  70. Resolved deadlock issue in the Source Navigator. (68747)
  71. Resolved Java Code Helper not appearing for second or subsequent parameters in function declarations. (68771)
  72. Resolved project type being forced to application when inserting a Java Bean. (68773)
  73. Resolved backruns not functioning for inner classes with trailing semicolons. (68778)
  74. Resolved error message issues in the sj compiler for previously unrecognized country codes. (68788)
  75. Resolved exception being thrown when opening a project containing a combobox. (68814)
  76. Resolved tables being editable when using StringTableModel when "Editable" was set to false in the Properly List. (68906)
  77. Resolved macros not being scanned at startup. (69158)
  78. Resolved bad code generation for JTabbedPane Titles property. (69196)
  79. Resolved delete key not working in the Javadoc Editor fields. (69329)
  80. Resolved directory setting being overwritten in the Project | Options - Deployment dialog when changing from ftp to directory archive type.. (69492)
  81. Resolved interactions off a valid form area not being considered for deletion when multiple items are selected for deletion. (69756)
  82. Resolved bug where project beans dragged into the Component Library could not not be deleted. (68411)
  83. Resolved backrunner bug causing RAD to fail. (61343)
  84. Resolved bug in hard-coded strings related to interactions. (69586)
  85. Resolved remote deployment failure in the International versions (French, German, and Japanese) (69454)
  86. Resolved disappearance of files in the default package in the packages view when dragging an HTML file into the project. (69446)
  87. Resolved bug where Visual Cafe would not generate resource bundle files a second time. (69305)
  88. Resolved exception thrown during event dispatching at runtime for Calendar component within JFC applets. (68795)
  89. Resolved "?invalid row" lines in the Class Browser when editing classes. (68780)
  90. Resolved exceptions thrown when when specifying new files in the Localization Tool dialog. (68589)
  91. Resolved removal of resource information in the bundle file when deleting a component with an interaction. (68093)
  92. Resolved warnings thrown when generating Javadocs if the "Include imported system classes" option is checked in the Project | Options -> Compiler - Javadoc dialog. (69471)
  93. Resolved incorrect generation of JTabbedPane Titles property. (69196)
  94. Resolved Java Code Helper losing all inherited methods if a second project is opened and then returning to the first project. (68869)
  95. Resolved deployment failure if "./" is deleted from the Project | Options -> Deployment tab - Location - Directory. (68505)
  96. Resolved page property not displaying in the property list for jEditorPane. (60047)
  97. Parse now forced when deleting a locale to let users see the Packages tab in the Project window without forcing a manual parse all.. (67195)

Resolved, added, and enhanced various other features and bugs.



XI. Technical Support

You may call Technical Support for installation and general usage support free of charge at (541) 465-8470 for a period of 30-days after your first call.

1. Free newsgroup support is available for as long as you own Visual Cafe on Symantec's news server at

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2. Free Web-based discussion group support is available for as long as you own Visual Cafe on Symantec's Web site.

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3. If your User ID and Password become inoperative, please send e-mail notification to Customer Service at:

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4. Your Visual Cafe ID set is located on the CD cover and is required to download updates from If you have lost your Visual Cafe ID set, please send notification to Customer Service at:

In the event that your information does not appear in our registration database, we will provide additional avenues for verification of ownership.

5. For CD purchases or damaged disks, please call Customer Service at (800) 441-7234.

Thank you for using Visual Cafe 3.0a. We are confident that this product will enhance and improve the productivity of your development efforts.


The Symantec Internet Tools Team

