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public interface VisualRepository
The API used to represent and access the Object Library in a VisualProject and the Component Library in Visual Cafe.

Symantec Internet Tools Division
VCafe 3.0
See Also:
ComponentLibrary, getComponentLibrary, getObjectLibrary

Method Index

 o addObject(VisualObject, VisualObject, VisualObject)
Add a VisualObject to the repository.
 o addObjectBefore(VisualObject, VisualObject, VisualObject)
Add a VisualObject to the repository
 o getChildren(VisualObject)
Obtain the list of children VisualObjects of a given VisualObject in the repository tree.
 o getObject(int)
Obtain a VisualObject with the given id.
 o getObjects()
Obtain the list of all top level objects in the repository (children of the Root Object).
 o getRootObject()
Obtain the root VisualObject in the repository tree.
 o insertObject(VisualObject, VisualObject, int)
Insert a VisualObject at a particular location in the repository
 o removeObject(VisualObject)
Remove a given VisualObject from the repository.


 o addObject
public abstract boolean addObject(VisualObject visualObject,
                                  VisualObject parent,
                                  VisualObject after)
Add a VisualObject to the repository.

visualObject - the object to add.
parent - the parent VisualObject for the given object. If parent is null, then visualObject will be added as child of the Root Object.
after - the VisualObject after which it should be added. If after is null, then visualObject will be added as the last child.
true if the object was successfully added.
 o addObjectBefore
public abstract boolean addObjectBefore(VisualObject visualObject,
                                        VisualObject parent,
                                        VisualObject before)
Add a VisualObject to the repository

visualObject - the object to add.
parent - the parent VisualObject for the given object. If the parent is null, then visualObject will be added as a child of the Root Object.
before - the VisualObject before which it should be added. If before is null, then visualObject will be added as the last child.
true if the object was successfully added.
 o getChildren
public abstract[] getChildren(VisualObject visualObject)
Obtain the list of children VisualObjects of a given VisualObject in the repository tree.

visualObject - the object whose children are to be returned.
array of child VisualObjects.
 o getObject
public abstract getObject(int objectID)
Obtain a VisualObject with the given id.

objectID - unique id of a VisualObject.
VisualObject whose id matches the given id.
 o getObjects
public abstract[] getObjects()
Obtain the list of all top level objects in the repository (children of the Root Object).

array of top level VisualObjects.
 o getRootObject
public abstract getRootObject()
Obtain the root VisualObject in the repository tree. The root VisualObject of a VisualRepository is invisible, but can be used to begin traversing the hierarchy of VisualObjects.

VisualObject representing the root of the hierarchy.
 o insertObject
public abstract boolean insertObject(VisualObject visualObject,
                                     VisualObject parent,
                                     int nIndex)
Insert a VisualObject at a particular location in the repository

visualObject - the object to add.
parent - the parent VisualObject for the given object. If the parent is null, then visualObject will be added as a child of the Root Object.
index - relative location where the VisualObject is to be inserted..
true if the object was successfully added.
 o removeObject
public abstract boolean removeObject(VisualObject visualObject)
Remove a given VisualObject from the repository.

visualObject - the object to remove.

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