* * * Zork II Hints * * * 1. The Riddle Room 2. The Red Sphere 3. The Dragon 4. The Balloon 5. The Bank 6. The Menhir 7. The Oddly-Angled Room 8. The Demon 1. Aren't riddles a pain? This one should make you thirsty. (Think about that for awhile) 2. You can't do this one by yourself, so bring along some help. And keep in mind that just because you can't see something, that doesn't mean it's out of range. 3. You can't do anything with him where you find him; now, if you could just get him to follow you... 4. Balloons are filled with hot air; seen anything flammable around lately? 5. Yes, this is certainly a tricky one! The key is the curtain of light; pay close attention to its description, as well as the piece of paper on the floor. Also keep in mind that things are not always what they seem to be here, either. 6. Ah, if only you had magical powers, you might be able to do something about this! 7. First, remember that this room is *oddly-angled*. Second, what does the club look like to you? Third, read the name on the club carefully; that should give you some ideas. Fourth, what's on the floors? Think about all that and you should be able to figure out what to do here. 8. A *very* greedy character...but he will help you, if you know what you want! (Hint: remember the Menhir!)