OK heres some info I've gained about UFO, along with some tips. Craft statistics: Lightning Max Speed 3100 Acceleration 8 Fuel 30 Weapon points 1 Damage 800 Cargo cap 12 HWP 0 Avenger Max Speed 5400 Acceleration 10 Fuel 60 Weapon Points 2 Damage 1200 Cargo cap 26 HWP 4 Firestorm 4200 Acceleration 9 Fuel 20 Weapon Points 2 Damage 500 Cagro cap 0 HWP 0 The firestorm is the new fighter craft you can research, lightning the new fighter transport and the avenger is the ultimate craft. Craft Weapons Fusion Ball Damage 230 Range 65 Accuracy 230% Reload 25s Laser Cannon Damage 70 Range 21 Accuracy 70% Reload 4s Plasma Beam Damage 140 Range 52 Accuracy 140% Reload 6s Weapons Type Aimed Snap Auto Dam Type Dam Type Dam Type Pistol 78/30 60/18 26 AP Rifle 110/80 60/25 35/35 30 AP Heavy Cannon 90/80 60/33 56 AP 52 HE 60 I Auto Cannon 82/80 56/33 32/40 42 AP 44 HE 48 I Rocket Launcher 115/75 55/45 75 HE 100 HE 90 I Laser Pistol 68/55 40/20 28/25 46 Laser Laser Rifle 100/50 65/25 46/34 60 Laser Heavy Laser 84/75 50/33 85 Laser Grenade 50 HE Smoke Grenade 60 HE Porximaty Grenade 70 HE High Explosive 110 HE Heavy Plasma 110/60 75/30 50/35 115 Plasma Plasma Pistol 85/60 65/30 50/30 52 Plasma Plasma Rifle 100/60 86/30 55/63 80 Plasma Blaster Launcher 120/80 200 HE Small Launcher 110/75 65/40 90 Stun Alien Grenade 90 HE AP = Armour piercing HE = High Explosive I = Incendiary The pairs of numbers indicate accuracy and tu cost to shoot. Base Facilities Type Time to Build Cost Maintainance Def Value Accuracy Laser Defence 24 Days 900K 10k 600 60% Plasma Defence 36 Days 1200K 12K 900 70% Fusion Ball 36 Days 1800K 14K 1200 80% Grav Shield 38 Days 2300K 15k Mind Shield 33 Days 1300K 5K Psi Lab 24 Days 750K 16K Hyper Wave Decoder 26 Days 2000K 30K Aliens Alien Race Attacks with Resistance to Vulnerable to Sectiod Weapons & Psi Snakemen Weapons fire? Ethereal Weapons & Psi Muton Weapons AP Floater Weapons Celatoid Venom Silacoid HTH fire I Cryssalid HTH * HE Reaper HTH I Sectopod Weapons plasma laser * When a Cryssalid attacks a human a zombie is made Alien Missions Research: Samll vehicles, least threat to earth and Xcom Harvest: Any size ships, great concern to governments Abduction: Causes great alarm Infiltaration: Make pact with earth govt, greatest threat to Xcom Base: Build alien base (you need to let them build one to win game) Terror: causes hysteria, troubles govts Retaliation: Attack Xcom base Supply: supply alien base UFO stats Ship type Damage Weapon power Weapon Range Speed Small Scout 50 0 0 2200 Medium Scout 200 20 120 2400 Large Scout 250 20 272 2700 Harvester 500 40 176 4000 Terror Ship 1200 120 336 4800 Supply Ship 2200 60 288 3200 (Anyone got the stats for a battleship? and any others I've missed?) Tips: Build a few bases at the start, make sure they all have long range radar. If you have engineers with nothing to do have them make something like laser weapons and sell them. You can sell them for more than it costs to make them. Don't have too many tanks in a bases stores, the game will crash if aliens attack your base (I had fifty once, expecting to wipe out the aliens in a most humiliating manner, but it crashed on me :-( ) Always leave enough TU's for a snap shot. Unload any weapons using ammo at the end of a battle or during the equiping stage otherwise you will lose the ammo. If you are running short of elerium use interceptors from multiple bases and give your troops laser weapons. If you feel confidant let the aliens attack your base, you can get lots (eg 3000+) elerium in a single battle. When you have troops when psi skills and amps they can use psi against any alien you can find, they don't need line of sight. (yes you can leave troops in the transport and use HWP's to scout for aliens *snigger*) If one of your men in under alien control at the end of a battle he counts as MIA, therefore wiat until he is no longer in control before finishing off aliens. Don't research the same thing at different bases, there is no benefit. To find out about ship stats research alien engineers, to find out about missions research navigator. To find out about Psi research ethereals (and maybe sectoids) To find out about armour research alien alloys. To ge tnew ships research UFO power source, UFO navigation, Elerium & UFO construction. The hyperwave decoder lets you find out what mission UFO's have and other details. On missions like retaliation, base and terror, small ships scout before the larger ships come in. If you destroy the scouts no larger ships will appear. Hacking soldier.dat In a quick fix to the strength bug I worked out some details on how information in soldier.dat (one of the files in the save game directory). This applies to games saved from the geoscape, I'm not sure whether they all work in Battlescape saves. Each soldier is made up of 72 bytes 9th byte is the number of missions the soldier has been on. 11th byte is the number of kills 13th byte is the number of days till wound heals 17-29 bytes the soldiers name(may be longer I don't know) 43-? initial stats Initial stats are those the soldier had when he was a rookie, not the total for each. I didn't work out where the information on stat gains due to experience. ================================================================================ Paul James ____________________ prj91@ecs.soton.ac.uk / __________________O kraken@mail.soton.ac.uk / /|________________ / /_/________________O "Beware the many tentacled one." /_____________________ |______________________O