TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Manhattan Missions WELCOME TO THE SHOW, DUDES! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yo! I'm glad you're here. Listen up, dudes, 'cuz I got a lot of stuff to tell ya, an' I'm not the most patient guy in the world, if ya know what I mean. What I am is a good sport. And to show you that, I'm gonna tell you how you can help my buddies save this city from that stinkin' Shredder. This is important to me an' the rest of the people living in Manhattan, so please pay attention. I can't say that enough. Okay, I can say it enough, but just do it, okay? Anyway, first thing first. What you gotta be askin' now is "Yo! Who died an' made you king?" Okay, I hear you. I'll tell ya who I am: I'm Casey Jones. The turtles are pals o'mine, an' I don't wanna see 'em get hurt. We're tight, you know what I'm sayin? That's why I want you to lead the boys to a victory over the scuz-bag Shredder. Just trust me, okay? On to the important biz. You got this game in your mitts, an' you wanna get going. Cool. Ya gotta install the game and turn it on first. Check it out and come back here when you get done. (hummm huummmmm hmm hmmmmm dee deeee dooooo...) You're back? You got everything loaded up the way ya want it? Okay, let's rock'n'roll, dudes! IN THE BEGINNING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you start your game, you're going to get what they call a title screen (which is where the guys who made the game try to nab some credit - but hey, they deserve it!) followed by a brief history of our shell-bound buddies. Check it out, cuz it's way cool. I love the part where they... Aw, just check it out. If you don't want to watch it every time, then press the [ENTER] key. TURTLES OPTION MENU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This little piece of the game lets you decide what the controls are and who's playin'. You got yer five choices: Music On/Off, Sound On/Off, Player 1 controls Player 2 controls, and the greatest feature of any game ever, the CASEY JONES On/Off. Move up and down the list with the arrow keys. Move the arrow keys left/right to see the options. For example, you can choose right keyboard, left keyboard, single joystick, right joystick, or left joystick for the player controls. But whatever ya do, don't be a knucklehead and pick the same choice for both players. When you finish, follow the directions on the bottom of the screen. If you picked a joystick for one of the controls, ya gotta calob... kalabait... caliber... you gotta mess with it so'z it lines everything up the way you move it, ya know? THE TV ROOM ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey, check it out! There's April on the tube! Man, she is really .. uh, a great reporter. She brings a story to like, you know what I'm sayin? We watch her whenever she's on. I like to sit with the boys and watch old Gilligan's Island reruns, too. I got into it once with Donny about who would end up with who when they all got off the island. I think Ginger and Gilligan would, uh, I'm gettin' off track again. Sorry. Where was I? Oh, yeah, April O'Neil. She'll give updates on the crime scene in the city. Watch for awhile an' see wha'sup. When you get tired of hearin' about the filth out there comin' down on the good people, then press Enter and get ready for action. SELECT ACTION SCREEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Youse got seven things you can do when ya see this screen. Eight things, if you count staring at the screen a fun thing to do. First, ya got yer city map. Then ya got yer training room, examine turtles, rest 1-to-8 hours, save and load game options, and the ever-popular exit to dos. The last one is pretty obvious, but let's go over the udders in more detail, okay? CITY MAP ~~~~~~~~ This big map gives you a close-up of Manhatttan, where a lot of crimes seem to be occurring. Now, this doesn't come as a surprise to doze of us who grew up'ere. Hey look, when ya got 'dis many people livin' in such a small area, ya gotta expect a few indiscretions, if you will, from some of the population. I mean, all these wealthy dudes living in their penthouses and all these poor down'n'out folks in the slums are only separated by a few city blocks. Crime happens. But ya know what I think? I think it stinks. I think the great thing about 'dis country is that we all got a chance to make it, if we try. If you make it by taking sumpin' dat ain't yours, then you ain't made it, dude. But hey, listen to me up on my soapdisk. The point is, the city map is gonna show ya some places where some major crimes is goin' down. Deze are the ones April's reportin' on in her news broadcast. The map's rigged up so that when April reports on a crime, a yellow alert light appears. When the scene heats up and there's big trouble, the light turns orange. Next time you don't complete dat mission, it turns red alert an' the area starts crumbling. If you get the turtles there to take care o' the problem, then youse go back to green light status, which basically means dat everyt'ings cool. Okay, so you're sayin' "Hey Casey, I got this cool map of Manhattan with a buncha lights goin' all different colors and stuff, so what do I do now?" Glad you asked. If you got a joystick, you move it around and look in the upper left corner of the screen. Ya see where the mission number is? Yeah, well, there's a big green finger dat points to da different 'hot spots' on the map, and the mission number for dat spot appears in that window up top. If youse guys don't got a joystick, use the arrow keys. Like I gotta tell you that, jeez. I ain't no computer genius, y'know. Oh, yeah, here's another tip youse oughtta be aware of: the more times you attempt a mission an'fail, the worse the area becomes on the map. Let's say, for example, you try mission 3 and don't get through it. When you go back to look at the city map, the light for mission 3 oughtta go orange. If you try again an' don't make it, then the area aroun' there is gonna look worse. Buildings start to crumble, the map looks darker.. before ya know it, the neighborhood looks like a war zone. I'm tellin' ya, one look at this city map, an' you can see how important it is for the guys to put a stop to Shredder once an' for all. When you complete a mission successfully an' that section goes green, a new trouble spot will come on da map. Every time you get through one a da missions, yer gettin' dat much closa to Shredder an' the foot clan. So, did I cover everything? 1. The map shows the crime locations 2. The crimes' lights are: red for big trouble, orange for trouble, yellow for bad news comin' and green for cool 3. Move around the map with the joystick or arrow keys Yeah, that covers the city map option. THE TRAINING ROOM - a.k.a. 'THE WRECK ROOM' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I like this part. You get some primo fight action goin' on here. Here's the scoop - this is a ninja training room the Splinter built for the guys so'z they could work on their moves without gettin' pummeled to pieces. You use da computer to select a villain to fight against. If Splinter has info about the guy, then he gives you a few words of wisdom - usualy a tip about the bad dude's weaknesses. Sometimes Splinter won't have anything scouted out about the guy ya choose, so youse gotta pick a different slimebucket to whoop. Don't forget, trainin' takes time. Youse only got 48 hours tops, so use yer time wisely, man. Here's another point to ponder, if ya know what I mean. If you go into the Wreck Room after you've fought in a mission, then you send in the same turtle ya had selected before. If you go in at the start, then ya gotta pick a turtle. I'll tell youse guys more about choosin' turtles later, okay. Stay cool. EXAMINE TURTLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dis is where ya look at the guys to see what kinda shape they're in. When you start out the guys are gonna be in good shape. They got these bar things under their pictures that show what their stats are for STRENGTH, SPEED and ENERGY. The strength bar starts out at the halfway point. (For that matter, so do the speed an' energy bars.) See, what happens then is dat as you get into some rumbles and finish a few missions, then you earn more strength, speed and energy. Get it? You know, it's just like anything else in life, you try somethin' and the more ya do it the better ya get. So you do some ninja stuff, an you become a stronger ninja, plus the exercise makes ya healthier. REST # HOURS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This option gives you a chance to let the boys rest and recuperate. They'll restore their energy levels, but lose time on the mission clock. Hey, it's your call, dude. If you think you need the rest, then ya better take it, otherwise, try to get by, 'cuz Shredder's flunkies work 24 hours a day. SAVE GAME ~~~~~~~~~ What this does is save yer game. It's a good idea to do this now'n'then so if somethin' tragic happens (like you runnin' out of time an' losin' the game) then you gotta recent version of yer game saved so ya don't hafta go through the whole shebang again. LOAD GAME ~~~~~~~~~ Here's how you restart the game from a previously saved game. Of course, ya can't load a game if ya don't got a game save, y'know what I'm sayin'? THE MISSION ACTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISSION OBJECTIVES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that ya got yerself into the meat of the game, ya gotta know how to accomplish yer objectives. Yer main objective, as I said before, is to keep Shredder from takin' over Manhattan. Cuz' you know as soon as he gets his claws on Manhattan, den he's gonna go fer the Bronx, den Queens, an' before ya know it he's gonna be in Jersey and then he'll be sweeping across da country. See, the point of each mission, an' there's about 15 of 'em, is to get through the obstacles and reach the crime boss at the end. Then ya gotta stop the boss so you can clean up that area of Manhattan, you know what I'm sayin'? TIME ~~~~ You have 48 hours. Period. You don't make it - Manhattan bites the big apple. You got it? Don't argue, just do it. There's a clock dat you'll see durin' the missions soz you know where you stand. That's the mission clock I mentioned before. CONTROLLING THE TURTLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It takes years to master the moves of a true ninja. You should be able to do it in a few minutes. Ya gotta know how to move a joystick in eight directions, and how ta press a few buttons. If youse can do that, then you should be able ta take on da foot. Here's the basic layout for the joystick moves for the walk and fight modes. Hmmm, maybe I better mention somethin' about these modes first. In the mission, you gotta get to the boss(s) and beat 'em. You walk around 'til you get to the boss (you'll know who it is 'cuz the boss picture appears on the bottom right of da screen). You will come across some junior-grade goons along the way, and ya gotta switch to the ninja fightin' mode to beat their scrawny little.. uh, to defeat them. You don't always have to fight the bad guys. You could make a run for it. I won't pass judgement on any o'youse wimps that duck out on a fight, honest. If you wanna tuck yer tail between yer legs and crawl away, dat's entirely up to youse. FINDING ITEMS DURING A MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Occasionally youse may come across an item that could be of use to yer turtles during the missions. For example, I know of one spot where there's a rope ya gotta have soz you can swing across dis pit to get to... well, I don't wanna give it away. But dere is stuff like that dat youse can use. To use an item (which, by the way, will show up in the item portion of yer mission display screen), press the bottom button of yer joystick. You know, like face your turtle toward a post, then press the button so you lasso the post an' swing across the pit soz you can.. whoa, I almost gave it away again. WEAPONS ~~~~~~~ Since I didn't mention it before, I might as well tell ya now. Each of the guys has some of them throwin' stars those ninja guys are always throwing - you know, those really sharp things? I think they call'em shurikens. Anyway, they throw 'em as explained in the joystick layouts earlier. Hold down the top button and move the joystick in the direction ya wanna throw the star. They can also pick'em up if they don't hit a target or fly off the screen. You'll know how many there are left by the number on yer mission display screen. Yeah, I know it was pointed to earlier, but I jus' can't help it. I'm such a detail oriented guy, you know? OTHER KEYBOARD COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ both buttons: Toggle between walk and fight modes ctrl+q: Quit ctrl+p: Pause ctrl+e: Abort mission esc: (from city map) go back to option menu To switch turtles anytime during a mission: [f1]: Player 1 changes turtle [f2]: Player 2 changes turtle [f10]: Turtles option menu ( for sound, misc, controls, casey) ctrl+s: Sound on/off * keyboard users: use the arrow keys for direction. The enter key replaces the base button, and the spacebar replace the post button. WALK MODE ~~~~~~~~~ This is yer basic peaceful stance. It's also the mode of choice for those turtles who wish to get from one location to another No Buttons +---------------------------+ | Jump up | Jump up |Jump up| | back | |Forward| |---------|---------|-------| | Walk | Stand | Walk | | left | | right | |---------|---------|-------| | Crouch/ | Crouch/ |Crouch/| | Pick up | Pick up |Pick up| +---------------------------+ Base Buttons +---------------------------+ |Throw |Climb up |Throw | |star left| |right | |---------|---------|-------| |Throw | Stand |Throw | |left | |right | |---------|---------|-------| |Throw | Climb |Throw | |left | down |right | +---------------------------+ Post Buttons +---------------------------+ | Use | Use | Use | | Item | Item | item | |---------|---------|-------| | Use | Use | Use | | Item | Item | item | |---------|---------|-------| | Use | Use | Use | | Item | Item | item | +---------------------------+ FIGHT MODE ~~~~~~~~~~ Dis, of course, is the mode of choice for kickin' butt. Practice hard an' practice often, and youse too shall be wipen' foot off da face o' the map in no time. No Buttons +---------------------------+ | Jump up | Jump up | Jump | | | |Forward| |---------|---------|-------| | Shuffle | Stand |Shuffle| | back | |forward| |---------|---------|-------| | Crouch/ | Crouch/ |Crouch/| | pick up | pick up |pick up| +---------------------------+ Base Buttons +---------------------------+ |Attk high| Power |Atk hi | |left | attack |right | |---------|---------|-------| |Attk mid | Stand |Atk mid| |left | |right | |---------|---------|-------| |Attk low |Attack |Atk low| |left |low/kick |right | +---------------------------+ Post Buttons +------------------------------+ |Block | Block |Block | |high left| high |high right| |---------|---------|----------| |Block | Stand |Block | |mid left | |mid right | |---------|---------|----------| |Block | Block |Block | |low left | low |low right | +------------------------------+ Two player mode -- both players on keyboard: Left keyboard option +------------------------------+ | Q | W | E | |---------|---------|----------| | A | S | D | |---------|---------|----------| | Z | X | C | +------------------------------+ Spacebar = Shift = Post button Enter = Alt = Base button CASEY'S LAST WORDS... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey dudes and dudettes, it's about time to go out there and kick some tail. I think I've said all I can about yer mission. Remember to get plenty of rest and practice hard. Dat oughtta get ya through the rough spots. If ya get into a bad jam, I'll try to be there to help -- hey, all ya gotta do is ask! You should know what ya need to do to beat Shredder an' da foot goons now. I gotta tell youse this again - the fate o' Manhattan is restin' on you. Do it for New York. Do it for Splinter. Do it for April. Oh, an' speakin' of Ms. O'Neil, do me a big favor, okay? Don't tell her about that page of her diary that I copied an' stuck in the front of dis manual. She'd kill us if she knew me an' Raph got into her personal stuff. Even though it was an accident. We didn't mean no harm by it or nothin'. We was lookin' for a pair of pliers, y'see, an' we happened to come across dis book that we thought, uh, mighta been a log of household items dat she put togedder for insurance purposes or somethin'. It was all Raph's idea anyways, y'know what I'm sayin'? Just don't say nothin'. We only saw one page anyway, so no harm was done. I swear we don't know nuthin' about her attraction to Ted Koppel. Oops. SPLINTER'S STRATEGIC TIPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, I'm outta here for good. Dis section is gonna be written by Splinter. Strategy was never my strong suit, y'know what I mean? Take it away, your most excellent mousey-ness.. (Thank you Mr. Jones, but I am a rat and proud of my heritage..) Yo, Whatever... LEARNING ADVANCED MOVES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings future warriors. Welcome, I am Splinter, and I am happy to see the faces of those eager to learn. I too was once a novice, studying the movements and habits of my master. Through such study, I was able to become a master of ninjitsu. Now I have trained my young pupils long and hard in the ways of ninjitsu. With diligent practice and more time in the training dojo, they will develop into fine warriors. Yet, even as they venture into the world above to put their skills to the test, so too must they spend time in the classroom to learn the basics for such skills. The combination shall make them true ninja warriors. SPLINTER SAY "For practice to make perfect, one must learn what to practice" KNOWING YOUR TURTLES STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My pupils, each creature is unique unto itself. None is so like another that one cannot stand on one's own merits. I have often instructed Michaelangelo that the lightning quick speed of his nunchaku may not always be the best choice in a confrontation. It is often better to keep a distance, as young Donatello has learned through the use of his Bo staff. And even though Leonardo has made great strides in controlling the Yin and Yang of his own spiritual self, I reluctantly admit that the strength of Raphael has found its place in the field of battle. Yet, a team divided is not so great as the harmony of the whole.. know thy self and those who are part of your team. SPLINTER SAY "Strength lay not in numbers, but in mathematics" NINJA IS NOT JUST OF THE BODY, BUT OF THE MIND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember, a ninja warrior is not just a fighter. A ninja is a holder of high values and principles. The ninja moves like a shadow, but is filled with light. Use your head to deal with the situations which arise. Perhaps the best answer is the one which is spoken the softest. SPLINTER SAY "When answering a riddle, speak with one voice."