Pick n' Pile Dox Object of the game: The object of the game is to make the highest possible score and to reach the highest screen. Instructions: a) Screen The screen is divided into three parts: 1) The largest part of the screen is the main game screen. 2) The information grid is at the top of the screen and gives you the following information: ú Upper left is the number of lives which remain, ú Upper right is the time that remains to finish the screen, ú Upper center is your actual score, ú Below the score is the number of screens already completed. 3) When you obtain a diamond (see below), this is posted at the bottom of the screen. b) Moving the objects Moving the objects is actually made by an exchange of two objects. To exchange two objects, move the cursor onto the object that you wish to move, press the left button of the mouse (a rectangle around that object means that it has been chosen). Then move the mouse onto the second object and press the left button of the mouse again: the first will take the place of the second and vice-versa. An object can also exchange places with an "empty" spot by following the same directions. c) Making the balls disappear A screen is finished when there are no longer any balls on the screen. You must make them disappear in a limited amount of time. To make them disappear, you must pile balls of the same color in the same column. The column will disappear if all the balls are identical. Even one other different object (except the bonus points: see below) in the column will prevent it from disappearing. d) Pausing the game During the game, press "P" on the keyboard to pause and any key to continue. e) Exiting the game To exit to DOS, press CTRL + ALT + F10 at the main game screen. You cannot exit the game from any other screens, nor can you exit while objects are still falling. The Objects: ú Balls: On each screen, the balls are three different colors. You must put them in the same column to make them disappear. These are the only objects that must disappear to finish the screen. ú Bonus: Other objects can disappear with a column. They can replace the balls to make a column. Note: for a column containing balls and bonuses to disappear, a ball must be placed at the bottom of the column. These bonuses can also disappear without a ball in the column. Here is a lot of the bonuses: a) Bonus Points: They increase the number of points made in a column. b) Bonus Multiplier: They multiply the total points in the column by the value written on them. Note: when two bonus multipliers disappear in the same column, the greater value is used (for example: if x2 and x6 disappear, the total number of points in the column will be multiplied by 6). c) Hourglass: When an hourglass disappears with a column, the time that remains to finish the screen is increased by 200. d) Diamonds: When a column with a sum of more than 1000 points disappears, a diamond appears at the top of the column (the diamond will be more or less precious depending on the value of the column). You must make the diamond disappear in a column if you want to put it in your storehouse. When the storehouse is filled (the line of diamonds reaches the right of the screen), your score increases. Special Objects: a) Bombs: To make a bomb explode, you must move it to the place where you want it to explode. It will make the eight objects which were surrounding it disappear. b) Walls: These are the only objects which keep their balance without the help of other objects surrounding them. These objects can be very useful with certain screens... c) Death-Heads: These objects are very dangerous: when they touch the ground your time diminishes twice as fast. It is imperative to put them at the top of the columns. You cannot move them directly. You must exchange them with a previously selected object. These death-heads can be destroyed... d) Flames: Flames burn whatever is above them. They must therefore be placed towards the top. e) Flower Pots: A flower pot destroys the objects placed below it when it falls. It is thus impossible to move it or to make a column in this spot.