-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ONE MUST FALL : 2097 Registered Version 1.9 11/23/94 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Legend: D=Down F=Forward U=Up B=Back P=Punch K=Kick * = New to THIS version! ? = ? D,F = Down, let go, then forward D+P = Down and punch at the same time (Jump) = Do motions while in the air etc... = repeat pattern till results occur -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stuff to Know: **LOOK OUT FOR THE OFFICIAL OMF FAQ (coming around God knows when)** Some moves may be different in the Shareware Version All Robots have a Scrap and Destruction move All Scrap moves are done right after you defeat your opponent Destruction moves are done right AFTER Scrap moves Stuff to Find: More Unranked Challengers Modified Destructions on different boards! (SEE *MORE NEW*!) *Choosing Hidden Difficulty levels* To choose Deadly Level (for ONE PLAYER only), keep pressing the right arrow key even though it is on Champion Level already. Deadly will show up after about 5-8 kep presses. *To choose Ultimate level (for ONE PLAYER only), press and hold down these keys: O+M+F. Press them together at once will let you choose Ultimate level. *To get Advanced Options, press and hold down 2,0,9,7 and then go the the Options menu (right under configuration on the main menu) *To get nice surprise, while fighting an opponent, press down and let go of R,E,I and N and watch for a nice surprise! *To do the same as above but with different intensity, hold down B,I, and G and then a number (not on the keypad) but be warned! Holding down 9 will slow your computer almost to a halt. **MORE NEW** You can get more than one 'enhancement'! Enhancement can: - Give you more than one missile weapon per shot. - Make moves executable in the air! - Result in Faster and deadlier moves! - New MOVES for some Robots! So send me a list of known enhancements (and what they do to particular robots and tell me how many were received! I have mail saying they received 3 enchancements! Did someone say butt kicking time? Jaguar -=-=-=- Jaguar Leap : D,F+P Shadow Leap : B,D,F+P Concussion Cannon : D,B+P Overhead Throw : (Jump),D+P Scrap Move : D,D,U+P Destruction : D,D,U+K (right AFTER you grab the opponent) To get to Fire/Ice: ^^^^^^^ repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Thorn: -=-=-=- Spike-Charge : F,F+P Off-Wall Attack : (Jump towards wall) DF+K Speed Kick : D,F+K Shadow Kick : B,D,F+K Scrap : B,B,F,P Destruction : U,D+P (Right AFTER the opponent is 'spiked') To get to Fire/Ice: ^^^^^ repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Shadow: -=-=-=-=- Shadow Punch : D,B+P Shadow Kick : D,B+K Shadow Grab : D,D+P Shadow Air Grab : (Jump),D,B+P Shadow Dive : (Jump),DF+P Ice Freeze : F,D,B+P (Works only if you defeat Ice or Iceman) Scrap : F,U,B+P Destruction : D,D+P (While you're banging your opponent) *To get Fire/Ice : ^^^^^ repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Pyros: -=-=-=-=- Fire Spin : D+P Super Thrust : F,F+P Shadow Thrust : F,F,F+P Jet Swoop : (Jump),D+K Scrap : F,F,D,D,P Destruction : U,D,U,D+P *To get Fire/Ice : U,D,D+P repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Electra: -=-=-=-=- Ball Lightning : D,B+P Rolling Thunder : F,F+P Super R.T. : B,D,F,F+P Electric Shards : D,F+P Scrap : B,D,F,P Destruction : U,F,D+P *To get Fire/Ice : F,D+P repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Chronos: -=-=-=-=- Stasis Activator : D,B,P Fast Stasis : F,D,B,P Teleportation : D,P Matter Phasing : D,B,K (can be done in air) Scrap : D,F,P (that's all you need!) Destruction : F,B,F,B+P *To get Fire/Ice : D,B+P repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Katana: -=-=-=- Rising Blade : D,F+P Triple Blade : B,D,F+P Head Stomp : (Jump on top of Opponent),D+K Foward Razor Spin : D,F+K Back Razor Spin : D,B+K Fireball : D,B+P (can only be done after defeating Fire) Scrap : F,D,B+P Destruction : B,D,F+P (After the 1st hit during Scrap) *To get Fire/Ice : B,D,F+K repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Shredder: -=-=-=-=-=- Head-Butt : D,F+P Shadow Head-Butt : B,D,F+P Flip Kick : D,D+K Flying Hands : D,B+P Scrap : D,D,F+P Destruction : D,U,U+P (While you are SCREWING the opponent) *To get Fire/Ice : U,B,D+K repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Flail: -=-=-=-=- Spinning Throw : F,F,P (F,F,K will work also) Charging Punch : B,B,P Shadow Punch : D,B,B,P Swinging Chains : D,P Slow Swing Chain : D,K Scrap : F,F,F,P etc...(DURING slam on first wall) Destruction : F,B,F,B,P etc...(then slam on next wall!) *To get Fire/Ice : F,D,B+K repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice Gargoyle: -=-=-=-=-=- Diving Claw : (Jump),D+K Flying Talon : D,F,P Shadow Talon (?) : B,D,F,P Wing Charge : F,F,P Scrap : B,D,F,P Destruction : U,D,U,D+P (When Gargoyle lands on your opponent) *To get Fire/Ice : D,D,P repeat this after Destruction on the FIREBALL stage to get to Fire and after defeating Fire to get to ice NOVA! (Only in Tournament mode and with lotsa cash!) -=-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Earthquake Slam : D,D,P Missle : D,F,P Air Missile : (Jump),D,F,P Mini-Grenade : D,B,P Chest Slam : (Jump),D,P Scrap : D,B,F+P Destruction : D,D,D+P (Do this while pounding opponent via Scrap) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ALES@NETCOM.COM found a way to change the colors of the 'bots in 2-player or 1-player: use your keyboard in the 'bot selection phase, hit the 1,2 and 3 key for 'bot one's color (not keypad) and the 4,5 and 6 key to change the color of the second 'bot. This list was compiled with many different postings in C.S.I.P.G.A with some other moves I have found during my marathon sessions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden "Unranked Challengers" Christian (Jaguar) - destroy Crystal in N.A.O. [E] Steel Claw (Thorn)* - destroy above #4 in N.A.O. [H] Jazzy (Jaguar)@ - scrap #2 in N.A.O. [M] Iceman (Shadow)@@@ - destroy #1 in N.A.O. Angel (Gargoyle)@@ - scrap #6 in K.C. [M] Selenna (Katana)@@ - destroy #2 in K.C. [H] Devan Shell (Flail)@@ - destroy #1 in K.C. Eva Earlong (Shadow)@ - destroy above #5 in W.I. [M] Killian (Electra)@@ - beat two above #6 with high vitality in W.I. [H] Bethany (Shredder)* - destroy Nicoli #1 in W.I. Eva Earlong (Gargoyle)@ - destroy above #13 in W.C. [M] Jazzy (Shredder)@@ - beat Eva Earlong in W.C. [M] Angel (Electra)@@ - destroy #10 with over half vitality in W.C. [M] Devan Shell (Thorn)@@ - destroy #8 in W.C. [H] Iceman (Katana)@@ - destroy Selenna in W.C. [M] Bethany (Nova)** - destroy #2 in W.C. Nicoli (Nova)** - beat #1 in W.C. [H] FIRE - In Fire Pit Stage, Do a perfect (may be unecessary) and then a destruction (Only in one player, not two) @ Specific enhancement * Global enhancement [x] Level (Easy, Medium, Hard, and default is Heavy Metal) # of marks = # of enhancement $ Enhancement -- faster, deadly moves for robots You can get enhancement by destroying some unranked challengers! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancements Jaguar -=-=-= Jaguar Leap (air)* Double Concussion Cannon* Triple Concussion Cannon** Shadow -=-=-= Shadow Grab* : D,B+P (air) Ice Freeze@@@ : F,D,B+P Thorn -=-=- Speed-Kick (air)* Off Attack** : D,B+K (air) Charge and throw speeds up with each enhancement Pyros -=-=- Super Thrust Attack (farther)* Super Thrust Attack (air)* Super Thrust Attack (air,farther)** Electra -=-=-=- Double Ball Lightning* Triple Ball Lightning** Rolling Thunder (farther)* Rolling Thunder (farthest)** Strong Electric Shards* Fierce Electric Shards** Katana -=-=-= Quadruple Shadow Rising Blade* : B,D,F+P Quintuple Shadow Rising Blade** : B,D,F+P Fire Arrow@@@ : D,B+P Shredder -=-=-=-= Head-Butt (farther)* Head-Butt (farthest)** Flying Hands (farther)* Flying Hands (farthest)** Flail -=-=- Spinning Chains (movable)** Slow Spinning Chains (movable)* Gargoyle -=-=-=-= Wing Charge (farther)* Wing Charge (air)* Chronos -=-=-=- ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command Line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- usage omf ADVANCED SO MO ONE_PLAYER MAKENEW TWO_PLAYER TOURN ADVANCED: turn on access to advanced options SO: sound off MO: music off KO: hot key off (F10, 2+0+9+7) ONE_PLAYER: enter one player mode TWO_PLAYER: enter two player mode TOURN: enter tournament MAKENEW: make new (?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- keyboard: direction attack 7 8 9 P,K 4 5 6 1 2 3 You can find the key combos in the fighter*.af. For instance, P25852 is "D,U,D+P". 2 means DOWN. 5 means delay? 8 means UP. You can modify these definitions of moves for easy playing. Of course, you should have a correct moves list first in order to find the right pattern. And be sure to fill 0x00 at the end of key combos! u7911004@cc.nctu.edu.tw (Shaman) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Straight to Kreissack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the player select screen, select Crystal, then press escape, then move right to Steffan, select him, then escape, and repeat this making a circle around the screen.... when you finish this select any bot and you should be at Maj. Kreissack... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Player Cheats and Nova ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats Editing in One Player --------------------------- Go to Crystal. (the default for player 1) Push left 5 times to go all the way thru the characters on the top. Push down to get to Jean-Paul, and then push right 5 times to go all the way thru those characters. Now, go to ANY character and push Kick. Now, you can "edit" your stats! It's not full editing, but you can send some power to Agility and Enduarnce, or Agility to power and endurance, or endurance to power and agility. You can switch your stats around however you want. Play that COOL Nova in One Player --------------------------------- First go to Thorn, go right twice and then down once, then left 3 and up 1, then right 1 and go left twice, down 1, up 1, down 1 and eventually you'll ended up at Katana. Then press down a million times (that means really fast) in about 15 seconds, and the go right twice and hit Flail. And now that we can play Nova, I hope there's a way for Nova to meet Fire and Ice :-)